Trade Associations and Industry Groups

Association of Consulting Engineers 


Concrete Society


British Council for Offices


Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists


British Property Federation




Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers


Civil Engineering Contractors Association


Construction Industry Council


Department of Trade and Industry


Engineering Council


European Liquid Roofing Association


Federation of Master Builders


The Guild of Architectural Ironmongers


House Builders Federation


The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineers


Institute of Civil Engineers


International Council for Shopping Centres (ICSC)


Nacore (National Association of Corporate Real Estate Executives)


Construction Products Association


National House-Building Council


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors


Royal Town Planning Institute


Save Britain's Heritage




Association of Consultant Architects

Association of Town Centre Management 


British Constructional Steelwork Association


British Council of Shopping Centres


British Institute of Facilities Management


British Standards Institution


Chartered Institute of Building


Civic Trust


Department of the Environment, Transport & the Regions


English Heritage


Export Action Centre for Building Materials


Federation of Building Specialist Contractors


The Georgian Group


Historic Chapels Trust


Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain Incorporated


Institute of Structural Engineers


The Institution of Engineering and Technology


The Landscape Institute


National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF)


National Federation of Demolition Contractors


National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty


Royal Institute of British Architects


Society of British and International Design


The Steel Construction Institute




The Victorian Society

International Union of Building Contractors


Sydney Building Information Centre

Architecture Media Australia


Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction


Designers Walk Inc


China Building Technology


Architecture and Building Foundation





The Building Information Institute


Centre Experimental de Recherches et d'Etitudes du BTP,

Centre Infobatir



Bauzentrum Mônchen

Heinze GmbH




The Building Information Centre





The Building Centre of Japan


PRC Bouwcentrum


Norsk Byggtjeneste AS

Norwegian Building Centre,


CDIB Building and Construction Authority


Institut de Technologia de la Construcci

Collegi d'Aparelladors I


Byggcentrum Gteborg AB

Skënsk Byggtjÿnst I Malm AB


Schweizer Baumuster-Centrale





Archinet Ltd

Barbour Index Ltd

Building Centre Group UK

Building Research Establishment

Construction Products Association


National Association of Home Builders

IBP Journalism Awards 2019: Full Results, Nominations and Entries

IBP Journalist of the Year

The overall winner of the title of IBP Journalist of the Year is Zak Garner-Purkis, writing for Construction News. His winning articles are available to view under Construction/Infrastructure Journalist of the Year and Scoop of the Year categories.

CLICK HERE to download the full report in the IBP Awards 2019 Bulletin

Click on any of the arrows next to a Winner or nominated journalist’s name to access and view their entries.

Sponsored by BDP

Isabelle Priest, RIBA Journal - WINNER
Will Hurst, The Architects’ Journal - HIGHLY COMMENDED
Ike Ijeh, Buildlng Design - COMMENDED
Tom Ravenscroft, Dezeen

View video of winners presentation

Click to view Judges' Comments


Writers in this category delivered some extraordinary detailed, well-observed and lyrical features on structures and buildings from all over the world. They brought their subjects to life by weaving in history with technical details and probing interviews and stylish writing.

Isabelle Priest, RIBA JournalWINNER

This is a journalist with a distinctive voice. Isabelle writes with confidence and style. Her writing throughout is lean and vivid, full of detailed description. Her submissions show versatility and empathy with her subject matter, but the confidence and maturity to voice a strong opinion on political aspects and the impact of her stories.

Will Hurst, The Architects’ Journal HIGHLY COMMENDED

Will delivers excellent campaigning features on subjects of global importance and vital to architectural design. He is not afraid to upbraid readers yet is never preachy in tone. There is a strong message throughout his articles.


Ike writes lyrically about his subjects and seamlessly marries historical and myth with technical engineering. A hugely varied set of submissions well observed and bringing architecture – old and new – to life.

Tom Ravenscroft, Dezeen

 Tom brings home the importance of paying more attention to recycling buildings rather than destroying structures of merit.

Sponsored by Willmott Dixon

Zak Garner-Purkis, Construction News - WINNER
Emily Ashwell, New Civil Engineer
Elizabeth Hopkirk, BD
Thomas Lane, Building

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A very competitive category again this year with entries of a consistently high standard. The comprehensive, well structured and wide ranging submissions impressed the judges with their insight and international flavor.

The skillful presentation of complex technical and sequencing information in a readily understandable form, so important in this category, was clearly evident.

The judges were impressed by the imaginative and dogged approach to research and information gathering – journalism at its best.

Emily Ashwell, New Civil Engineer

The judges praised the diverse and topical range of subjects covered by the three articles.

The well researched piece on Hinkley Point C highlighted both the scale and complexity of this huge undertaking.

The judges agreed the well structured piece on digital imagery was both informative and insightful.

Elizabeth Hopkirk, BD

Three well researched and well crafted pieces, the technical study on the North West Cambridge Housing impressed the judges who agreed that this was a well written interesting and informative piece.

The well crafted piece on ‘The Floating Church’ provided rare insight into this specialist project. The well presented range of innovative solutions held the reader’s attention throughout.

Thomas Lane, Building

Three consistently god articles the piece on St James was well researched and insightful, guiding the reader thoughtfully through this complex and highly sequence dependent project.

The piece on Mace’s rising factories – ‘One Giant Leap’ was in the judges view a compelling and enjoyable read, capturing the ambition and ingenuity of this innovative approach.

Zak Garner-Purkis, Construction News - WINNER

Three worthy articles – packed with detail and presented with passion and enthusiasm. The piece on Carilion’s silent victims was insightful and revealing.

The impact of the piece on construction’s black market drew high praise from the judges – a powerful, well sourced and well written article.

Sponsored by Glen Dimplex

Jack Simpson, Inside Housing - WINNER
Pete Apps, Inside Housing
Luke Barratt, Inside Housing

View video of winners presentation

Click to view Judges' Comments


Really, really strong field this year that left the judges struggling to choose a winner. All the nominated are at the leading edge of journalism in the built environment.

Pete Apps, Inside Housing

A journalist delivering to a consistently high standard, not afraid to take on senior political figures, while revealing breaking news on the sectors big issues.

Luke Barratt, Inside Housing

Very strong treatment of a hugely important issue relating to an insurance crisis in the sector, along with a shocking article about Grenfell survivors again put at risk of fire

Jack Simpson, Inside Housing - WINNER

News is about getting important information to the reader as quickly as possible. Jack acted rapidly to establish the facts about one of the most high profile incidents in the sector within 24 hours, helping industry to mobilize and respond properly to the Barking block destroy in fire.

Further pieces, including the article on London leaseholders asked to pay to remove cladding, were soundly researched and revealed details that beat the national press on urgent topics

Sponsored by AECOM Headline Sponsor

Martina Lees, writing for The Sunday Times and Tortoise Media - WINNER
Richard Waite, The Architects’ Journal – HIGHLY COMMENDED
Pete Apps, Inside Housing
Nathaniel Barker, Inside Housing
Luke Barratt, Inside Housing
Zak Garner-Purkis, Construction News

View video of winners presentation

Click to view Judges' Comments


The judges congratulate all those who submitted entries this year, a pleasing collection if well sourced, well written and well presented articles.

An impressive level of indepth research and close attention to detail was clearly evident across the wide range of topics covered.

Pete Apps, Inside Housing

The well researched pieces were of a diverse and topical nature. The powerful lessons of the Lakanal piece stood out – with new ‘facts’ building upon previous work – feeding into the Grenfell enquiry.

The judges commented that this was journalism at its best.

Nathaniel Barker, Inside Housing

Three well researched features covering a wide range of topics; the feature on the Northern Ireland housing executive was informative and impactful. With the piece in universal credit bringing to the fore the plight of those caught up in the complex process of introduction.

Luke Barratt, Inside Housing

Three well researched pieces all of a consistently high standard.

The comprehensive piece on private finance and supported housing was both informative and engaging. A hard hitting piece on Grenfell’s forgotten victims reinforced the far reaching impact of this tragic event.

Zak Garner-Purkis, Construction News

A trio of well crafted pieces each in the judge’s view thought provoking.

The indepth research evident across the features gave insight and impact to the range of topics covered. The piece on the presence of ACM cladding on some hotels and stadiums was un the judges view well structured and insightful.

Martina Lees, writing for The Sunday Times and Tortoise Media - WINNER

Three impactful articles presented in an easily absorbed, fluid style, drawing the reader in. The judges found the interview with James Brokenshire, the housing secretary, comprehensive, and insightful reflecting a good rapport between interviewer and interviewee.

The piece drawing attention to leasehold law, with added research from Sunday Times Home colleagues Helen Davies and Tom Calver, was packed with detail and delivered at pace. It gave insight to an issue affecting the lives of many with the impact clearly and powerfully expressed. A very fine piece of journalism.

Richard Waite, The Architects’ JournalHIGHLY COMMENDED

Three interesting, well structured and well presented pieces covering a wide variety of subject matter. The article on Amin Taha’s limestone building demonstrating the writer’s ability to present stories of almost byzantine complexity with admirable clarity.

‘Can Manchester Grow and go Green’ – this powerful piece was praised by the judges. It was supported with extensive quotes, asked all the right questions and held people to account.

Sponsored by Savills

David Price, Construction News - WINNER
Luke Barratt, Inside Housing
Luke Cross, Social Housing

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Business and Financial cover a wide swathe of the property sector and the entries explored the whole area, from social housing to road building. The journalists showed their specialist expertise and the best were also to explain the subjects in simple and entertaining ways to a wider readership.

Luke Barratt, Inside Housing

Luke Barratt detailed the difficulties of housing associations and its workers. He backed up good contacts with good use of Freedom of Information requests.

Luke Cross, Social Housing

Luke Cross knows the social housing sector inside out! His three articles were ahead of the pack in demonstrating who was entering the sector and what trouble it faces.

David Price, Construction News - WINNER

David Price had a good old-fashioned scoop on the collapse of Wales’s biggest builder. He told the story straight – in easily comprehended short sentences without overwriting the story. And he told it first.

His articles on the failure of the government’s prompt-payment system showed his ability to get inside a complex story but to present his conclusions simply.

Sponsored by Sidell Architects

Dave Rogers, Building - WINNER
Mark Hansford, New Civil Engineer
Megan Kelly, Construction News

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Click to view Judges' Comments


The entrants for this category showed the breadth of the subject as well as an ability to explore its depth. They included penetrating interviews, detailed statistical analysis and showed how even apparently dull subjects can be made interesting through stylish writing.


Mark Hansford, New Civil Engineer

Mark submitted three pieces that showed his range – a thinking piece on the future of cities, an analysis of Crossrail 2, and an article questioning whether engineers can provide good design. He combined good writing with interesting content.

Megan Kelly, Construction News

Although relatively new to journalism, Megan writes stylishly and confidently. Her piece on the re-tarmacing of Silverstone caught the pace and speed of a job being completed against the clock.

Dave Rogers, Building - WINNER

Dave Rogers interviewed two of the drivers behind Stanhope, one of London’s most innovative developers. His article chronicled their past glories but looked to the future and, as importantly, delved into the personalities of the people behind the property.

This was a human interest piece, lightly but intellectually written.

Sponsored by Barratt Developments

Pete Apps, Inside Housing - WINNER
Jack Simpson, Inside Housing
Martina Lees, writing for The Sunday Times and Tortoise Media

View video of winners presentation

Click to view Judges' Comments


A much stronger competition this year then we have seen recently with great entries from a range of journalists. No surprises that Grenfell features across many entries with journalists holding authority and organisations to account, while getting under the surface of the long term effects.

Pete Apps, Inside Housing - WINNER

Pete offered highly thoughtful, well written and explained articles. He can communicate substantive and complex issues well. There is great human interest content in his pieces but also hard edged exclusive news.

Jack Simpson, Inside Housing

Jack presented a good range of articles with a stand-out piece on ‘waking watches’ that attracted significant wider interest.

Martina Lees,writing for The Sunday Times and Tortoise Media

Martina provided a through investigation of the scandal of freeholds and the treatment of freeholders with extensive evidence. Great writing style and high profile interviews.

Sponsored by affino

Jamie Harris, Building - WINNER 
Mark Hansford and Alexandra Wynne, New Civil Engineer

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The judges would have liked to have seen more entries to this important new category. There are digital initiatives in other categories and the judges would encourage those entrants to enter. Nevertheless, the judges congratulate the entrants who were shortlisted.

Mark Hansford and Alexandra Wynne, New Civil Engineer

Mark and Alexandra’s podcasts had decent production values and focused on a new younger audience with a conversational style that was easily accessible.

Jamie Harris, Building - WINNER

Jamie brought in a number of elements. The podcasts were tight and well-focused, the judges particularly enjoyed the Chernobyl podcast which brought to life the experience of being on the ground.

Sponsored by The Built Environment Trust

William Ing, Building - WINNER
Francis Williams, The Architects’ Journal - HIGHLY COMMENDED
Megan Kelly, Construction News - COMMENDED

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Click to view Judges' Comments


There was a huge variety of stories and styles in this category – all reflecting a commitment to delivering high quality journalism. The judges were impressed by how well these young journalists had grasped the complexities of the field in which they were working, building high=level sources and writing with sophistication and confidence.

IBP is delighted to be associated with the initiative created by the sponsor, The Built Environment Trust, to award a bursary to all three finalists in this category.

Each nominee will be commissioned to produce an article that explores and encourages innovation in the built environment and reflects the role of the Trust to provide support for educational, research and cultural activities.

William Ing, Building - WINNER

William Ing’s incredibly varied portfolio demonstrates the versatility of this young journalist. The features seamlessly weave technical detail and interviews with closely observed detail, that make readers feel that they are there, at the scene. Will has an eye for a story and one that generates traffic.

Megan Kelly, Construction News - COMMENDED

Megan’s varied articles demonstrates an ability to dig out a story and raise awareness on a subject of great importance. It shows patience and determination in sifting through information and data, and imagination in packaging it in an interesting and readable format.

Francis Williams, The Architects’ Journal HIGHLY COMMENDED

Frances brings new freshness to architectural criticism. The writing is self-assured and the candidate is not afraid to voice opinions and to look at a subject critically yet fairly. The stories are eminently readable and engaging and just right for the readership.

Sponsored by FTI Consulting

Zak Garner-Purkis, Construction News - WINNER
Christine Murray, The Developer
Jack Simpson, Inside Housing

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Breadth of coverage and dogged and diligent investigation characterized this category. All the entries involved hard graft and determined digging.

Zak Garner-Purkis, Construction News - WINNER

The impact of this story on the allegations behind the delays to Tottenham Hotspur’s £850m stadium was huge – with broadsheet, broadcast as well as tabloid pick-up. The digital pick-up was enormous, beating all former records. The headline – grabbing drink and drugs features of the story summing up wider problems on site.

Christine Murray, The Developer

A detailed and through investigation revealing 98% of councils in the UK are using glyphosate-based weedkillers on playgrounds and housing estates the impact of which is potentially universal.

Jack Simpson, Inside Housing

On the ground reporting of the Barking fire-risk assessment, winning the trust of residents, resulting in a scoop followed up by the BBC and the Guardian. Inside Housing continues to be at the cutting edge of fire safety issues, alerting readers and authorities of the dangers wooden cladding months before the Barking fire.

Sponsored by Live Group

Housing 2019, Ocean Media - WINNER
Build to Rent, Bisnow
Festival of Place, The Developer

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The final scoring saw these three nominees’ neck and neck, showing the strong competition in this fledgling award. Although hoping for more entries in future, all the judges were impressed with the variety and creativity on display in the submissions. Bold ideas, powerful return on investment and a clearly defined purpose shone through, vital in this category.

Build to Rent, Bisnow

Value took centre stage in the judges’ comments with the panel all remarking on how superbly the budget had been used to maximise the experience for the delegates. This created the perfect environment for an exchange of ideas between the Private and Public sector.

Of particular note was the use of a ‘stage in the round’ putting the panel of speakers in the very heart of the audience.

Festival of Place, The Developer

The judges praised the commitment to generating an engaging and fun atmosphere for all delegates, creating an experience to remember. Content shone through here with the Festival of Place tackling a range of topics to deliver something valuable for people to take home with them.

The judges commented that they can’t wait to see what happens in future with a content plan used to push the messages long after the event has closed.

Housing 2019, Ocean Media - WINNER

The judges were impressed with the sheer number of moving parts that needed to be kept perfectly whirring away for Housing 2019. From high-profile VIP speakers through to an effortless badging process, no detail had been overlooked.

The judges noted that it was only by making every aspect of the event run like clockwork that a powerful return on investment could be delivered. This created a sustainable conference programme, ready to run for many years into the future.

Sponsored by Marley

Dezeen - Winner
The DeveloperHighly Commended

The Architects’ Journal


Inside Housing

New Civil Engineer

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Click to view Judges' Comments


In the inaugural year of this category the judges were delighted to be able to select a strong shortlist. There are a lot of new ideas and an enduring commitment to good journalism and the target audience.


The Architects’ Journal

AJ was vibrant and both inward and outward looking to the industry. AJ is a well coordinated offering. The judges particularly liked the wake-up call and the refurb first initiative.


The judges were particularly impressed by the Chernobyl story and podcast, and by the initiative to invite young professionals to take over the magazine.

Dezeen - WINNER

Dezeen taps into the zeitgeist, really understands its audience and has well-planned and original content – there was a great deal of preparation for the Bauhaus Anniversary which paid off.

The evidence is in the stats, particularly the growth on Instagram.


Inside Housing

The brand has a strong campaigning focus and serves its target audience well. There was particularly good engagement through the 100 years of social housing.

New Civil Engineer

This brand is successfully targeting different parts of its audience with different content while sticking to its core values. It continues to pack a punch with its focus on exclusives.


The judges welcome this ambitious new initiative which has got off to an explosive start with a 200 page magazine, its fresh take on development is recognized in events as well as an engaging website with an appealing design.

Sponsored by AECOM Headline Sponsor

Zak Garner-Purkis, Construction News - WINNER

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Click to view Judges' Comments


The judges were pleased to see new faces as well as old hands submitting entries this year. Between them they produced a wide range of subjects and deep analysis, informing and educating their readerships in print and digital platforms.

Deciding who was the best of the best in each category was often difficult, but a series of worthy winners slowly emerged – with one very deserving overall winner.

The IBP Journalist of the Year showed just how newsy the construction sector is. By hard work and good intuition, the winner dug out those stories, searching for sources or using Freedom of Information requests to check and double check the facts.

This allowed the winner’s investigative approach to find the real victims and to expose wrong doing in the industry. But the winner really scored in revealing the building of Tottenham Hotspurs stadium – drugs and drink included. This was journalism at its best.

Outstanding Contribution to Journalism in the Built Environment

Awarded to Peter Bill

View video of winners presentation

IBP National Journalism Awards 2022

Closing date: Wednesday 14 September 2022

The IBP Journalism Awards 2022 took place on 17 November 2022. You can view the results on our new awards website.

Entry information

These awards recognise the very best journalism in property and the built environment and have become a benchmark for excellence. They are judged by a panel of influential journalists and industry professionals drawn from the built environment.

The awards categories are:

Architectural Writer
Construction/Infrastructure Writer
News Reporter of the Year
Feature Writer of the Year
Business/Financial Journalist of the Year
Housing/Residential Property Journalist of the Year
New Journalist of the Year
Digital Leadership of the Year
Editorial Brand of the Year
Scoop of the Year
IBP Journalist of the Year


Entry guidance

  • Journalists may enter as many categories as they wish, although the same article cannot be submitted for more than one category.
  • All articles should have been published in the twelve-month period ending 31 August 2022.
  • Only one entry consisting of three articles is allowed per category from the same journalist. Each category entry must be accompanied by a completed entry form and three different articles/news stories published in the year ending 31 August 2022. The articles may have been published online or in print or both.
  • Entry forms must have the full details, including contacts, of the journalist whose work is being entered. If the articles are not by-lined, confirmation of authorship from the editor should also be included in the entry form.
  • A portfolio of three articles by more than one journalist may be submitted; each article must be by-lined by two or more writers and the names of at least two contributors must be common to no less than two articles, although not necessarily in the same combination.
  • All entries may be accompanied by an explanation, maximum 200 words for each article, maximum 600 words for the entry. This is only mandatory for those categories marked with an asterisk below.
  • All articles in each category must relate to the architecture, civil engineering, construction, commercial property and housing/residential sectors. Articles published in house journals/newsletters etc are not eligible.


IBP Journalism Award categories

Architectural Writer of the Year
Open to architectural writers who observe and report upon events and issues within the world of architecture. Equally entries are welcome from architectural critics that demonstrate the vital link between the art of architecture and society's understanding of it, providing a deeper, broader understanding of architecture as a significant force for change.

Construction/Infrastructure Writer of the Year
Entries in this category can consist of news and/or features in construction, infrastructure, utilities, civil engineering and transportation sectors.

News Reporter of the Year*
Entries in this category should be accompanied by an explanation of no more than 200 words per article, 600 words per entry, giving the background to the three articles submitted. For example, you may wish to explain that the story was an 'exclusive' or that the degree of research or teamwork required to produce the story was of particular merit.

Feature Writer of the Year*
Entries for this category should be accompanied by an explanation of no more than 200 words per article, 600 words per entry, outlining the articles' relevance to current issues in the construction/property industry. This category also allows for a series of articles (no more than three) on the same subject over two or more issues of a publication.

Business/Financial Journalist
This category is applicable to any aspect of the built environment. The award particularly seeks to recognise journalists writing business or financial stories. The judges will look for articles that demonstrate an overall understanding of the sector, subject, financing and the needs of their readers.

Commercial Property Writer
The judges are looking for entries that cover any aspect of commercial property, including offices, shops and warehousing. Topics could include new projects, redevelopments, market trends, valuations or people involved and might break news or improve the readers' understanding.

Housing & Residential Property Journalist of the Year
This category seeks to recognise journalists writing about the process of all forms of housing development including policy, land, design and reconstruction and/or sales, marketing and management issues for all forms of residential property.

New Journalist of the Year
Journalists entering this category should have no more than two years’ experience in the sectors covered by the awards to the year ending 31 August 2022, (verified by a letter from your editor). Entries should demonstrate good research, investigative style and bold subjects representative of the built environment across all the award categories.

Digital Leadership of the Year
This award is for an individual who has shown leadership in the way that they use digital communications. They will have gone beyond simply writing good stories and promoting them by social media; they will show how they have made more of their stories through, for example, data analysis or the use of other media such as podcasts or video. The judges are particularly looking for an innovative approach and for digital enhancement of already excellent pieces of work in imaginative ways.

Entrants should provide links to three pieces of work, showing how they used digital leadership. They should support their entry with appropriate measurement of engagement statistics, publicity generated or other metrics.

Please note: This is an award for individual enterprise, and not for initiatives by brands. These should enter Editorial Brand of the Year – see below.

Editorial Brand of the Year
This award recognises the brand that really stands out as a beacon of excellence in any or all formats. The judges are looking for evidence of a complete understanding of the needs of the target audience, a strong commercial performance, outstanding editorial content and design, and constant innovation in responding to the changing dynamics of the brand’s market.

To support this category entry the editor should select any three issues, if applicable, and provide three front-cover scans and, complementary to the chosen editions, a minimum of one feature and one breaking news article (a maximum of three articles can be submitted – including articles entered in the individual categories – in support of each issue). Alternatively, a link to a page turner edition (maximum three issues) can be submitted to support the entry and/or accessible links to digital material which should clearly demonstrate the use of research, choice and range of subjects, photography, design, layout, video and audio.

The editor should include a statement clearly outlining why they believe the multi-platform approach has substantially covered the market sector during the year ending 31 August 2022, with investigative reporting, features and news stories.

Scoop of the Year
This category rewards an outstanding piece of journalism that broke news with a big impact within the built environment sector. Consideration will be given to the relative significance of the story and the journalist's skill in obtaining the story and the information to support it. Stories can be broken on any platform and can be a straight news story or an investigative feature. Entrants should demonstrate proof of the story's exclusivity in the form of speed to market compared with rival coverage.

Candidates should accompany their article with a completed entry form and a statement of 300 words explaining:

  • The significance of the story to the publication's readership
  • How the story was obtained, researched and developed

Candidates should also provide evidence of:

  • The impact the story had on the built environment sector
  • Follow up by rival media
    Speed to market relative to those follow ups. This could be in the form of screen shots showing time and/or date of publication; credit for the story given in other dated publications; written explanations highlighting how the text of the story shows it to be an exclusive (eg, direct, original quotes from an interviewee that were paraphrased in coverage elsewhere).

IBP Journalist of the Year
This award will be judged from the winning entries in the individual Journalist/Writer of the Year categories.


How to enter

Download the entry form here and then submit your completed entry form, along with your supporting articles to

All entries should be submitted as PDFs, including links to online stories, digital editions etc. If there is a website paywall, please provide at least four guest logins to allow the judges to access your work.

Please ensure the size of the email is under 10MB or please send an email with links to download your submission using WeTransfer, Dropbox or other file transfer service.

You will receive a confirmation email that we’ve received your submission. If you do not receive this within three working days, please contact


Cost and payment

The prices are as follows:

  • Editor and Journalist rate:
    Single entry: £100 + VAT (£20) = £120
    Multiple entries, all categories: £60 + VAT (£12) = £72 per entry
  • Freelance Journalist rate:
    Single entry: £50 + VAT (£10) = £60
    Multiple entries, all categories: £30 + VAT (£6) = £36 per entry

Please pay for your entry via PayPal below. You can also request an invoice by emailing us.

IBP Journalism Award Entries

Shortlisting and awards

There will be one winner in each category and, in addition, some journalists may be highly commended.

The individual winner in each category will receive £500.

A shortlisting event will take place online on Thursday 13 October at 11am where the shortlists in each category will be announced. There will be up to six on the shortlist for each category.

The awards announcement and celebration will take place at IET Savoy Place on Thursday 17 November 2022. We hope that all shortlisted journalists and brands will attend, and will bring their friends and supporters.


Conditions of entry

  • Entries should conform to the rules of submission with regard to length of text and content etc.
  • The entrant must agree that the entry will remain in place on the IBP hosting server for an indeterminate period. Any content in submissions can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.
  • Entries must be submitted and paid for using PayPal by Wednesday 14 September at 6pm at the latest.
  • The entry must remain legible when printed. Therefore, we suggest avoiding the use of ‘background’ images.
  • For ease of identification, the pdf file name must contain the award category, the entrant’s name and company name or project title if applicable.
  • The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP website when reporting on the awards.
  • The judges’ decisions are final.


Questions about entries or payment

If you have questions or problems, please contact


IBP National Journalism Awards 2018 – Guidance Notes for Digital Entries

CLICK HERE to Download a pdf file of this document



The IBP Digital Service Award was launched eleven years ago to complement the Annual National [Print] Journalism Awards, which were established in 1973, to encourage and reward excellence in journalism in the sectors of construction, building, property and architecture.

The Digital Service category [defined as a digital platform that delivers news content] was introduced to recognise and reward high standards of writing and design for the web together with the key drivers, usability and accessibility. This category is the equivalent of the Magazine of the Year Award in the print categories.

The Multi-Media Journalist category, launched in 2010, focuses on individual contributions that show skills in a variety of fields, including writing content for digital platforms, writing for print, filming, podcasting and use of social networks.



Journalism for the Web – Directness, newsworthiness, simplicity, conciseness, appropriate content for audience, quality of video journalism, use of headings and sub-headings and paragraph length.

Design for the Web – Visual appeal, visual clarity, relation between text and images, use of images and video, quality of repurposing.

Technical Construction – Speed of loading, cross-browser compatibility, quality of mobile/tablet applications, ease of log-in, universal accessibility.

Accessibility and innovation – Use of links, relationships to blogs, encouragement to tweet, use of twitter feed (e.g. retweets from magazines appearing on home page), one-off products such as special ipad apps, clarity of which content is free and which has to be paid for, ease of commenting, quality of live forums, innovative use of web.



Originality – individual voice; angle to story appropriate for the market; use of direct quotes. (NB: It is very hard to judge if an entry is a breaking story or has the journalist’s own mark on it. Entrants have been asked to include explanatory notes with their entry, please see a copy of the Condition of Entry attached).

 Immediacy – live reports from an event; following a story as it breaks; regular updates; excitement.

 Appropriateness – writing/broadcasting in a manner appropriate to the medium; multiple presentations in appropriate form; appropriate selection of delivery method. (NB: is the story presented in the right way for its medium?).

 Good Journalism – general good writing/strong first lines/searching questions (on video) /readability or watchability. NB: in whatever medium, this should be well written or presented (in the case of video).

 Cross pollination – Use of one medium to promote a story that has appeared in another to promote the story or take it forward.


Conditions of Entry


The Awards are open to Digital Service and Multi-Media Journalists serving the built environment sector.


Closing date for entries: 4.00pm Monday 17 September 2018
The Awards ceremony and dinner takes place on Thursday 29 November 2018 at the Four Seasons Hotel, Hamilton Place, Park Lane, London W1J 7DR.
Awards Presented by: TBA
Hosted by: Peter Murray, Chairman, NLA


WHAT YOU SHOULD DO NEXT – Digital Service Category


The editor of the Digital Service should prepare a statement, of no more than 400 words, in which he/she should clearly outline the following:

  • When the digital service was launched in its current format.
  • Mission statement.
  • How it relates to and/or interacts with a hard copy magazine/newspaper (if applicable, the digital content platform does NOT have to support a business-to-business title) which parts of the digital service are eligible for the award (i.e. which contain journalism).
  • How has the digital service substantially covered the market sector during the twelve-month period, year ending 31 August 2018.
  • Each website entry should consist of three examples of work, a completed online entry form and an editorial statement, and choice of payment method (see entry form for details).
  • All business-to-business digital services entered must relate to the architectural, construction, building and/or property industries.
  • If the entry is a subscription service please include an access code for the judges to view your site, specifically between 19 September and 11 October.
  • If you are highlighting links to specific stories, please give these in short forms (such as


WHAT YOU SHOULD DO NEXT – Multi-Media Journalist Category

Journalists working across a range of media platform should prepare a statement, of no more than 400 words in which he/she should clearly outline the following:

  • At least two areas where they are active such as: print writing; web writing; blogging; twitter; video; broadcast and other social media.
  • Identify three pieces of work in the year ending 31 August 2018 on which you will be judged.
  • Show exceptionally imaginative/appropriate use of a range of media to communicate/promote a story covering the period ending 31 August 2018.
  • A single story which appears in more than one medium counts as a single piece of work.
  • Include example(s) of print work – if relevant.
  • Give detailed URLs of where to find online work. Please present these in short form (such as Please ensure that none of the stories you are entering into the award category have been archived.
  • Show the relevance to its audience and appropriateness to the media platform used.
  • If the entry involves access to a subscription website please include an access code for the judges to view examples of your work/entry, specifically between 19 September and 11 October.
  • Note: If the judges have unreasonable problems accessing/finding your entries you may be disqualified.


The content is correct at the time of circulation and could be subject to change

July 18 2018

Employment Advice by Media Contacts for Candidates


Interview Preparation Tips


Interviews often make people feel a lot of undue pressure to ensure they get everything “right”. To boost your confidence and give the very best of yourself, remember to prepare and practice. Have a read of the tips below and make sure you incorporate them into your next interview presentation.


  • Consider the duration of the journey to interview

Ensure that you have a main route planned and a backup in case of any travel disruptions.

  • Dress in the appropriate attire

Whether you must dress formally or smart casual, wearing the required attire will make a good impression to the employer as well as making you feel more relaxed, producing confidence within the interview

  • Research

Conduct some research and understand the required skills and ambitions of the company, compare them to your own and see how you can mention these in your interview.

  • Prepare questions to ask

Prepare questions to ask your employer to show your interest in the role and the employer. Although they are interviewing you this also a chance to discuss with the employer and ask them questions to find out more information regarding the role/company.

  • Prepare answers to general questions

Prepare answers to common interview questions that you may be asked, allowing yourself to have something basic prepared, which you can then expand on with further, directly relevant detail. Sample interview questions can be found at:

  • Arrive preferably 5 minutes early

Being on time sets a good example to the employer as it highlights that you are punctual. Giving yourself time to calm your nerves and read over some notes to prepare for the interview. Do not arrive more than 5 minutes early though, as you may inconvenience the employer.

Key points for the interview:

  • Give a firm handshake
  • Have good posture
  • Speak about the company background (history, staff, company values and goals)
  • Smile and have positive facial expressions
  • Keep eye contact
  • Have confidence in your answers
  • Mention key articles or blogs that relate to the industry


Twitter feed is not available at the moment.


IBP Journalism Awards 2020 – Sponsorship details

Each host receives the following sponsorship benefits:

  • Host support announcements to entire membership data base, including email Alerts, twitter and LinkedIn platforms.
  • Online publicity campaign (commencing in June 2020) to over 300 named journalists. Previous year’s entrants targeted in each category.
  • Branding on IBP Journalism Awards sponsors website page/Awards Bulletins (through to June 2021 inclusive).
  • Listing and logo on all entry and Awards material (July to December 2020 inclusive)
  • Use of IBP Journalism Awards logo on hosts stationery and email header.
  • IBP website link to sponsors website.
  • Listing and logo on material circulated to all magazines/newspapers (August to December 2020).
  • Listing and logo on online dinner details and ticket application forms.
  • Mention in external pre and post promotion and publicity.
  • A table for 10 people at the Awards dinner to include a minimum of three and a maximum of six nominated journalists in sponsors category plus a category judge, together with three guests of your choice. Total 10 people. Tables can be increased to accommodate up to 12 people.
  • Three course dinner with wine/water.
  • Logo on meet and greet tables located in a dedicated reception area, dinner table, menu, presentation stage set, category section and evening Awards Bulletin.
  • Representative from host organisation to present cheque to winning editor/journalist, with photo opportunity.
  • Mention in category introduction on the night.
  • Listing and logo on online Awards Bulletin and evening Awards presentation video. (Awards Bulletin goes ‘live’ the following morning, the video is available to view the following week).
  • Networking opportunities with journalists and guests at the pre-dinner reception. Each sponsor will be provided with their own meeting point ‘tall table’ in a dedicated area, with a logo above their table
  • Post Awards drinks reception. Complimentary until 22.00 hours.
  • Mention of sponsor in category winner’s publication. (NB: while this is more of less beyond the control of the Awards organisers, individual press releases and award presentation photographs, for each category, are sent to the news editor to reach all publication the morning following the Awards dinner).
  • Photographs of the winner with host sent electronically to winners and sponsors the next morning.
  • Inclusion on the IBP website Awards news section throughout 2020/21, after which news links are transferred to the ‘live’ archive section of the website.

Click the Awards and Archive Awards section of the main navigation menu to access previous year’s Awards Bulletin and events.

The Journalism Awards Presentation dinner will take place on Thursday 19th  November at the Leonardo Royal hotel at St Paul’s, London  and will be hosted by a leading national media personality.



For 2020, we believe additional measures should be taken to highlight the prestige of the Journalism Awards, and to honour the people who make these awards a reality. An enhanced social media marketing campaign, which will run in the lead up to the event and beyond, will give sponsors the recognition for supporting the work of individual journalists and the built environment media.

Launching across digital and traditional channels, the social media marketing campaign is an unmissable opportunity for sponsors to capitalise on a new platform for exposure, not just on the day of the awards, but for the full lifecycle of the campaign, pre- and post-event.

The planned social media marketing campaign will treat the Journalism Awards with the respect, attention and care a modern event of its stature deserves and is designed to build excitement and anticipation in the weeks and months leading up to the awards presentations.



This year’s edition of the Journalism Awards will be a thoroughly modern affair, with the development of an enhanced digital layer. This virtual version will run alongside the traditional event and will allow the awards to not just forge ahead but thrive in the face of the challenge posed by COVID-19 legislation.

With the implementation of both the digital layer and the social media marketing campaign, there has truly never been more options and opportunities for sponsors to consider. As well as posing an exciting initiative in itself  the digital layer presents a completely new platform to be capitalised on for branding and sponsorship purposes.

We have partnered with leaders in the industry of virtual events – Live Group –  to deliver this digital layer, who will produce this cutting-edge solution.

Functionally, the digital layer will provide a place to watch the Journalism Awards online if you are unable to attend the event itself. It will also be the home for pre- and post-event content, and a place to network during the event, wherever you may be.



Examples of the printed marketing material and branding opportunities can be sent on request. Last year’s Awards Bulletin and recorded highlights can be viewed on the IBP website homepage video library link

The cost of a host sponsorship package for each Award category remains at last year’s rate of £5,500.00 plus VAT.

In addition to the individual Award category sponsorship packages there are opportunities to participate as an event host, including the pre-dinner and post Awards receptions. These elements are available for further discussion to help meet sponsors specific requirements.

All details are correct at time of posting on the website.


March 2020



Building, Construction, Property & Design Awards

Architectural Ironmongery Specification Awards

Sponsor: RIBA/The Guild of Architectural Ironmongers
Contact: Gary Amer
Guild of Architectural Ironmongers
Address: 8 Stepney Green, London E1 3JU
Tel: 020 7790 3431
Fax: 020 7790 8517
Contact: Helen Curry
Address: Foundation, 15 Langham Drive, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 8SR
Tel: +44 1268 655511
Fax: +44 1268 780053
Frequency: biennial
Deadline: May
Date of Award Announcement: April

The Art and Work Awards

Sponsor: Business Design Centre, International Art Consultants Ltd
Organiser: Art for Offices
Contact email:
Address: 1 The Mansion, Lees Court, Sheldwich Lees, Faversham, Kent ME13 0NQ
Tel: 07831 539 956
Frequency: biennial
Deadline: end December
Date of Next Awards: 2015

BCO Awards

Sponsor: Various Sponsors
Organiser: British Council for Offices
Contact: Lucinda Waits
Address: 78-79 Leadenhall Street, London EC3A 3DH
Tel: 020 7283 0125
Fax: 020 7626 1553
Frequency: Annual
Call for entries: October
Deadline for entries: November
Date of Award Announcement: Regional – April, National – October

The Brick Awards

Organiser: The Building Centre
Contact: Michael Driver
Address: 26 Store street, London WC1E 7BT
Berkshire SL4 2DX
Tel: +44 (0)207 323 7030
Fax: +44 (0)207 580 3795
Frequency: annual
Date of Award Announcement:

British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI)

Main sponser: To be confirmed.
Various category sponsers: Details upon request
Organiser: British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI)
Contact: Daljeet Billing
Address: Landscape House
Avenue J
National Agricultural Centre
Stoneleigh Park
Warwickshire CV8 2LG
Tel: +44 2476 690 333
Fax: +44 2476 690 077
Frequency: annual
Deadline: approx end of May

British Construction Industry Awards

Promoter: The Daily Telegraph/New Civil Engineer/Architects' Journal
Contact: Andrew Stroud, Awards Secretary
Address: One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA
Tel: +44 20 7665 2302
Fax: +44 20 7233 1743
Frequency: annual
Deadline: May
Date of Award Announcement: October

British Urban Regeneration Association - Best Practice in Urban Regeneration Award

Sponsor: none given
Organiser: BURA
Contact: Vivienne Niblett
Address: 63-66, Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8LE
Tel: +44 800 0181260
Fax: +44 20 7490 8735
Frequency: annual
Deadline: October
Date of Award Announcement: summer

The Building Awards

Sponsor: Not known at time of going to press
Organiser: Camargue
Contact: Drena Cox
Address: Camargue Hous, Wellington Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 2AG
Tel: +44 1242 577 277
Fax: +44 1242 527 277
Frequency: annual
Deadline: November
Date of Award Announcement: April

Construction Manager of the Year Award (CMYA)

Organiser: The Chartered Institute of Building
Contact: Lesley Curtis
Address: Englemere, Kings Ride, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7TB
Tel: +44 1344 630 802
Fax: +44 1344 630 777
Frequency: annual
Deadline: June
Date of Award Announcement: October

The European Urban and Regional Planning Affairs

Please note: This Award was last held in 1997/98. The Institute do not know when the next Award will be held as awaiting sponsorship money from European Union.
Sponsor: No sponser - self financed
Organisers: European Council of Spatial Planners – Conseil Europeén des Urbanistes
Contact: Mme Hafize Balci
Address: ECTP-CEU (aisbl), Brussels Europe Liaison Office (BELO), Avenue d’Auderghem 63, B-1040 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 234 65 00
Fax:+32 2 234 65 01
Frequency: biennial in even-numbered years: next running in 2010
Deadline: March 2010
Date of Award Announcement: summer before (summer 2009)

The Farm Building Award Scheme

Awaiting sponsor

The FIABCI Prix d'Excellence

Sponsor: Otis Elevators
Organiser: FIABCI
Contact: Denis Cox
Address: The Director, FIABCI Prix d'Excellence, 23 Avenue Bosquet, 75007 Paris, France
Tel: 00 33 1 45 50 45 49
Fax: 00 33 1 45 50 42 00
Frequency: annual
Deadline: November
Date of Award Announcement: May

Green Building of the Year

Sponsor: HVCA/Independent on Sunday
Organiser: Caroline Horne
Contact: Caroline Horne
Address: Esca House
34 Palace Court
London W2 4JG
Tel: +44 171 229 2488
Fax: +44 171 727 9268
Frequency: annual
Deadline: September (TBC)
Date of Award Announcement: April/May

Housing Design Awards

Sponsor: Various sponsors
Organiser: RIBA
Contact: Nancy Mills, Awards Administrator
Address: RIBA Awards Office, Birmingham and Midland Institute, Margaret Street, Birmingham B3 3SP
Tel: +44 121 233 2321
Fax: +44 121 233 4946
Frequency: annual
Deadline: February
Date of Award Announcement: Summer

International Innovation and Research Awards

Organiser: The Chartered Institute of Building
Contact: Dr Sarah Peace
Address: Englemere, Kings Ride, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7TB
Tel: +44 1344 630 776
Fax: +44 1344 630 777
Frequency: annual
Date of Award Announcement: May

The John Betjeman Memorial Award (Competition for church repairs & conservation)

Sponsor: The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Organiser: The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Contact: Elaine Byrne
Address: The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, 37 Spital Square, London E1 6DY
Tel: +44 20 7377 1644
Fax: +44 20 7247 5296
Frequency: annual
Deadline: February
Date of Award Announcement: at the Society's AGM June/July each year

Landscape Institute Awards

British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI)
Organiser: British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI)
Contact: Kelly Conway
Address: Landscape House, Avenue J, National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire CV8 2LG
Tel: +44 2476 690 333
Fax: +44 2476 690 077
Frequency: annual
Deadline: May 29th
Date of Award Announcement: October

NAS Design Partnership Award

Sponsor: Shop Spec
Organiser: National Association of Shopfitters
Contact: Gordon Elliott
Address: 411 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey CR16 9HA
Tel: +44 1883 624 961
Fax: +44 1883 626 841
Frequency: Annual
Deadline: January
Date of Award Announcement: April

National Lighting Design Awards

Sponsor: Various sponsors
Organiser: Lighting Industry Federation Ltd
Contact: Keith Johnson
Address: Swan House, 207 Balham High Road, London SW17 7BQ
Tel: +44 20 8675 5432
Fax: +44 20 8673 5880
Frequency: biennial
Deadline: September
Date of Award Announcement: AprilThe Philip Webb Award
Sponsor: Anonymous donor - Competition for students at UK
Architecture schools
Organiser: The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Contact: Rachel Bower or Elaine Byrne
Address: The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, 37 Spital Square, London E1 6DY
Tel: +44 20 7377 1644
Fax: +44 20 7247 5296
Frequency: annual
Deadline: Friday 4th December 2009
Date of Award Announcement: January 2010

Pub Design Awards

Organiser: CAMRA/English Heritage
Contact: CAMRA
Address: 230 Hatfield Road, St Albans AL1 4LW
Tel: +44 1727 867 201
Fax: +44 1727 867 670
Frequency: annual
Deadline: August (deadline is quite flexible)
Date of Award Announcement: February

Quality in Construction Awards

Sponsor: Construction News/Construction Industry Board/DETR
Organiser: Construction News
Contact: Graham Anderson
Address: Construction News, 151 Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4QX
Tel: +44 20 7505 6868
Fax: +44 20 7505 6867
Frequency: annual
Deadline: September (annually)
Date of Award Announcement: March (annually)

RIBA Awards for Architecture

Sponsor: Various sponsors
Organiser: RIBA
Contact: Nancy Mills, Awards Administrator
Address: RIBA Awards Office
Birmingham and Midland Institute
Margaret Street
Birmingham B3 3SP
Tel: +44 121 233 2321
Fax: +44 121 233 4946
Frequency: annual
Deadline: approx April
Date of Award Announcement: approx November

RICS Awards

Sponsor: RICS
Organiser: RICS
Contact: Marcella Carew, Awards Officer
Address: RICS, 12 Great George Street, Parliament Square, London SW1P 3AD
Tel: +44 20 7334 3736
Fax: +44 20 7334 3722
Frequency: annual
Deadline: approx January
Date of Award Announcement: November

Shopping Centre Marketing Awards

Sponsor: Various
Organiser: British Council of Shopping Centres
Contact: BCSC Secretariat
Address: 1 Queen Anne's Gate
London SW1H 9BT
Tel: +44 20 7222 1122
Fax: +44 20 7222 4440
Frequency: annual
Deadline: July
Date of Award Announcement: September

Shopping Centre Awards

Sponsor: Next, Chapman Taylor Partners, Land Securities, Lunson Mitchnall, MEPC
Organiser: British Council of Shopping Centres
Contact: BCSC Secretariat
Address: 1 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, London SW1H 9BT
Tel: +44 20 7222 1122
Fax: +44 20 7222 4440
Frequency: annual
Deadline: July
Date of Award Announcement: December

Site Engineer of the Year

Sponsor: Construction News/Hays Montrose
Organiser: Construction News/Hays Montrose
Contact: Graham Anderson
Address: Construction News, 151 Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4QX
Tel: +44 20 7505 6868
Fax: +44 20 7505 6867
Frequency: annual
Deadline: January (annually)
Date of Award Announcement: Spring

The SPAB Lethaby Scholarships

Sponsor: Various - Advanced training in architectural conservation in UK for architects, building surveyors & structural engineers
Organisers: The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Contact: Rachel Bower, Education Officer
Address: The SPAB, 37 Spital Square, London E1 6DY
Tel: +44 20 7377 1644
Fax: +44 20 7247 5296
Frequency: Annual
Deadline: 1st January each year
Date of Award Announcement: late January each year

Student Challenge

Organiser: The Chartered Institute of Building
Contact: Sue Smith
Address: Englemere, Kings Ride, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7TB
Tel: +44 1344 630 758
Fax: +44 1344 630 777
Frequency: annual
Deadline: March
Date of Award Announcement: March

Structural Steel Design Awards

Sponsors - BCSA and Corus
Organiser: BCSA
Contact: Gillian Mitchell
Address: BCSA, 4 Whitehall Court London SW1A 2ES
Tel: +44 20 7839 8566
Fax: +44 20 7976 1634
Frequency: annual
Submission deadline: December
Date of Award Announcement: July

Town Centre Environment Award

Sponsor: Various
Organiser: British Council of Shopping Centres
Contact: BCSC Secretariat
Address: 1 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster , London SW1H 9BT
Tel: +44 20 7222 1122
Fax: +44 20 7222 4440
Frequency: annual
Deadline: July
Date of Award Announcement: October

Town Centre Management

Sponsor: Boots, NatWest Properties, Sainsburys
Organiser: Association of Town Centre Management
Contact: ATCM Secretariat
Address: 1 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster , London SW1H 9BT
Tel: +44 20 7222 0120
Fax: +44 20 7222 4440
Frequency: annual
Deadline: August
Date of Award Announcement: TBA

BCSC Town Centre Environment Award

Sponsor: Various
Organiser: British Council of Shopping Centres (BCSC)
Contact: BCSC
Address: 1 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, London SW1H 9BT
Tel: +44 20 7222 1122
Fax: +44 20 7222 4440
Frequency: annual
Deadline: March
Date of 2009 Award Announcement: 17 June 2009, BAFTA, London

The William Morris Craft Fellowship

Sponsor: Various - Advanced training for historic building craftsmen or women
Organiser: The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Contact: Philippa Soodeen, Assistant Education Officer.
Address: The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
37 Spital Square
London E1 6DY
Tel: +44 20 7377 1644
Fax: +44 20 7247 5296
Frequency: annual
Deadline: January
Date of Award Announcement: mid-February each year

The Wood Awards

Sponsor: Various sponsors – see:
Organiser: The Good Agency
Contact: Sarah Dade
Address: c/o The Good Agency
8 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HP
Tel: +44 20 7738 1900
Fax: +44 20 7738 9900
Frequency: Annual
Deadline: 22 May 2009
Date of Award Announcement: 14 October 2009