ibp National Journalism Awards 2021 – Guidance for pdf entries

Guidance for PDF Entries

• Entries should conform to the rules of submission with regard to length of text and content etc.

• The submissions should be sent as a pdf file no larger than 20mb.

• PDF files should be submitted using a file transfer service of the entrant’s choice, such as the following:


The email recipient of the file should be addressed to the ibp webmaster who will upload the files to the ibp judging process.

• The entrant must agree that the entry will remain in place on the ibp hosting server for an indeterminate period.

• The pdf should not contain any embedded CAD drawings unless the drawings are converted to jpg format first.

• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.

• The entry must be capable of being printed off. To this end we suggest avoiding the use of ‘background’ images.

• For ease of identification, the pdf file name url must contain the entrants name and company name or project title if applicable.

• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.

ibp Communication and PR Awards 2018 – Guidance for pdf entries

Guidance for PDF Entries

• Entries should conform to the rules of submission with regard to length of text and content etc.

• The submissions should be sent as a pdf file no larger than 20mb.

• PDF files should be submitted using a file transfer service of the entrant’s choice, such as the following:


The email recipient of the file should be addressed to the ibp webmaster who will upload the files to the ibp judging process.

• The entrant must agree that the entry will remain in place on the ibp hosting server for an indeterminate period.

• The pdf should not contain any embedded CAD drawings unless the drawings are converted to jpg format first.

• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.

• The entry must be capable of being printed off. To this end we suggest avoiding the use of ‘background’ images.

• For ease of identification, the pdf file name url must contain the entrants name and company name or project title if applicable.

• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.

ibp National Journalism Awards 2018 – Guidance for pdf entries

Guidance for PDF Entries

• Entries should conform to the rules of submission with regard to length of text and content etc.

• The submissions should be sent as a pdf file no larger than 20mb.

• PDF files should be submitted using a file transfer service of the entrant’s choice, such as the following:


The email recipient of the file should be addressed to the ibp webmaster: who will upload the files to the ibp judging process.

• The entrant must agree that the entry will remain in place on the ibp hosting server for an indeterminate period.

• The pdf should not contain any embedded CAD drawings unless the drawings are converted to jpg format first.

• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.

• The entry must be capable of being printed off. To this end we suggest avoiding the use of ‘background’ images.

• For ease of identification, the pdf file name url must contain the entrants name and company name or project title if applicable.

• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.

ibp Communication and PR Awards 2019 – Guidance for pdf entries

Guidance for PDF Entries

• Entries should conform to the rules of submission with regard to length of text and content etc.

• The submissions should be sent as a pdf file no larger than 20mb.

• PDF files should be submitted using a file transfer service of the entrant’s choice, such as the following:


The email recipient of the file should be addressed to the ibp webmaster who will upload the files to the ibp judging process.

• The entrant must agree that the entry will remain in place on the ibp hosting server for an indeterminate period.

• The pdf should not contain any embedded CAD drawings unless the drawings are converted to jpg format first.

• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.

• The entry must be capable of being printed off. To this end we suggest avoiding the use of ‘background’ images.

• For ease of identification, the pdf file name url must contain the entrants name and company name or project title if applicable.

• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.

ibp Campaign of the Year Award 2020 – Guidance for pdf entries

Guidance for PDF Entries

• Entries should conform to the rules of submission with regard to length of text and content etc.

• Submissions should be sent as a pdf file no larger than 20mb.

• PDF files should be submitted using a file transfer service of the entrant’s choice, such as the following:


• The entrant must agree that the entry will remain in place on the ibp hosting server for an indeterminate period.

• The pdf should not contain any embedded CAD drawings unless the drawings are converted to jpg format first.

• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.

• The entry must be capable of being printed off. To this end we suggest avoiding the use of ‘background’ images.

• For ease of identification, the pdf file name url must contain the entrants name and company name and campaign title.

• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards. A request to remove sensitive material can be made, following the judging process.

The Annual Wren Talk – The Great Fire of London


DATE: 14th June | 7pm-8:15pm

St Bride’s Church, Fleet Street, London See full event details

Writer and historian Adrian Tinniswood pieces together the human story of the Fire
and its aftermath, providing a reconstruction of what happened to schoolchildren,
and servants, courtiers and clergymen.

The Great Fire wasn’t simply a tragedy of economics and architecture, some
436 acres of closely packed streets burned, 13,200 houses destroyed, millions of
pounds lost; it also killed and maimed, and it drove Londoners mad in their quest
for vengeance.

Tinniswood, a seasoned lecturer and broadcaster, explores the history of a cataclysm
and its consequences from the fi rst small blaze to the rebirth of the City.
Paul Finch, editorial director of Architects’ Journal, will introduce The Wren Talk
which takes place as part of the London Festival of Architecture.

£18 door
£12 advance from


Click here to download a pdf flyer for the event

ibp National Journalism Awards 2015 – Sponsorship Details

Each sponsor can brand an award, host a table and receives the following benefits:

  • Online publicity campaign (commencing in June 2015) to over 300 named journalists. Previous year’s entrants targeted in each category.
  • Branding on IBP Journalism Awards sponsors website page/Awards Bulletins (through to January 2016 inclusive).
  • Listing and logo on all entry material (June to November inclusive).
  • Use of IBP Awards logo on sponsors stationery and email header.
  • IBP website link to sponsor’s website.
  • Listing and logo on material circulated to all magazines/newspapers (in July and August).
  • Listing and logo on online dinner application forms.
  • Mention in external pre and post promotion and publicity.
  • A table for ten people at the Awards dinner to include three nominated journalists in each category plus a category judge, together with six guests of your choice. Total ten people.
  • Three course dinner with wine/water.
  • Logo on table, menu, presentation stage set and evening Awards Bulletin.
  • Senior executive from sponsorship organisation to present cheque.
  • Mention in category introduction on the night.
  • Listing and logo on on-line Awards Bulletin and evening Awards presentation video.
  • Networking opportunities with journalists and guests at the pre-dinner reception.
  • Post Awards drinks reception
  • Mention of sponsor in category winner’s publication. (NB: while this is more of less beyond the control of the Awards organisers, individual press releases are prepared, for each category, to include the sponsor and are sent to the news editor to reach publication the morning following the Awards dinner).
  • Photographs of the winner with sponsor sent electronically to publications and sponsors for the next morning.
  • Inclusion on the IBP website Awards news section throughout 2015/16, after which news links are transferred to the archive section. See www.ibp.org.uk Click Awards and Archive Awards section of the menu to access previous years Awards Bulletin and events.

The 2015 Awards Presentation Dinner will take place on Thursday 19th November

at the Four Seasons Hotel, Park Lane, London. The Awards will be presented by a leading industry (media/property or construction) figure. The Awards section of the evening will be hosted by Peter Murray, chairman, London Festival of Architecture. Please note the programme is still in development.

The sponsorship package costs for each category is £4950.00 [held at last year’s rate] plus VAT plus the sponsor’s presentation cheque for £500 (VAT not applicable) to the winning journalist in their category.

Download pdf




IBP Communication and PR Awards 2019: Full Results

Outstanding Contribution to PR in the built environment

To mark our Build on 50 Anniversary a special award, Outstanding Contribution to PR in the built environment, was presented to Clare Ward.

Click to read more

Gerald Bowey recall, when presenting the award: “Clare was a courageous woman in a predominately fundamentally ‘man’s world’ particularly in the construction industry and was in the vanguard of creating good relations between the media and her clients in the North West.”

“At a time when the North West was crying out for innovative infrastructure projects and the development of the urban environment – seeking funding and demanding recognition for growth in a vital hub of the UK Clare was organising some of the most impressive and effective press visits to see the potential in the area and to meet some of the key players in the local property sector.”

“She established the North West Property Lunch and Question Time with, amongst others, the team behind the Manchester bid for the 2000 Summer Olympics and supported the IBP North West Regional Journalism Awards.”

“She continues to dominate the region but also represents her client’s best interests on a national and international basis.”


As part of the Build on 50 programme, to mark the 50th Anniversary of International Building Press the Communication and PR Awards were presented in conjunction with the Journalism Awards to reflect both the mix of the membership and, like good journalism, to recognise and reward good PR.

The Communication and PR Awards judging panels are chaired by leading built environment magazine editors who judge all the entries with PR Practitioners, the Winners therefore represent the best work in our sector for 2019.

CLICK ARROWS next to names to download the final pdf entries for each award


Sponsored by: The Built Environment Trust

The Double Unit - WINNER
London Communications Agency
Newgate Communications

View video of winners presentation

Click to view Judges' Comments


London Communications Agency

A lively presentation from an enthusiastic team. The London Communications Agency has had a strong year, with fee income and number of built environment projects showing significant growth. Business strategies included building a dedicated in-house team which works with clients to design and deliver creative content across print and digital: the agency’s expansion into website design, infographics, video animation and social media content got a big tick from the judges. The company has also expanded its services beyond London (their traditional base) into the wider South East and has moved into direct architecture communications.

Newgate Communications

Newgate Communications presented well as a team: thoughtful, considered and with the feel of a meaningful conversation rather than a ‘pitch’. Their PR campaign for Taylor Wimpey Central London looked to position the firm as a key residential developer in zones 1 and 2 across its new-build developments, and particularly support the launch of its Postmark flagship residential scheme. Approaches included an exclusive networking event held at Postmark and clear communication about the heritage of the sites. Newsgate’s brief has since been expanded to manage the Taylor Wimpey Central London community engagement and construction PR programme – and it was here that the judges felt the team were strongest, admirably led by associate partner Alex Reid, who communicated with warmth and insight about navigating an ‘ever-evolving story’.

The Double Unit - WINNER

The Double Unit stood out for the way in which it has transcended the usual parameters of PR, acting more as expert business and management consultants. This approach, the judges felt, made a real difference to their clients’ business. The team’s presentation had a clear narrative – focused on their razor-sharp strategy to raise the profile of Amos Goldreich Architecture and concentrating on the practice’s work delivered over the course of a year. Actions fell into two categories, business growth and expanding networks; and boosting their client’s public presence through targeted press coverage, events, awards and online.

Social media approaches adopted a ‘story telling approach’ and emphasized the practice’s personality: this activity alone resulted in two new projects for the practice s a result of The Double Unit’s rigour in tracking new business leads, and the way it helped the client revise its fee templates to substantially improve its conversion rates.

The team’s practical method delved deep into their client’s processes to make sure that PR and communications didn’t stop at press releases but supported business development at all levels.


Sponsored by: IBP

Amelie Barrau, Gensler (formally WSP) - WINNER (top photo)
Alex Reid, Newgate Communications – HIGHLY COMMENDED (bottom photo)

View video of winners presentation

Click to view Judges' Comments


Amelie Barrau, Gensler (formally WSP) - WINNER

Amelie is an outstanding communicator, whose passion and expertise shone through in her presentation, as well as her devotion to nurturing and reassuring colleagues both on the communications team and within the wider business. Committed, enthusiastic, hard-working and ambitious. Her attention to detail and caring approach to developing a proactive communications strategy which delivered impressive results was impressive.

Alex Reid, Newgate CommunicationsHIGHLY COMMENDED

Alex Reid, associate partner at Newgate Communications, really stood out during the PR Consultancy Team presentation process. His expert and professional approach was evident as he addressed challenging questions about community engagement and affordable housing, and his easy confidence made it clear that he would make a great spokesperson for a major client if they ever find themselves in a crisis management situation.

Perhaps more importantly, he had an excellent rapport with his team, allowing more junior members the time and space to contribute, and giving them the opportunity to learn from the experience.


Sponsored by: Public Relations & Communications Association

Savills - WINNER
Colliers International

View video of winners presentation

Click to view Judges' Comments


Colliers International

Colliers International presented well and put the focus of their presentation on one sector impressing the judges with their specific work with senior Colliers staff in terms of briefing and supporting them to provide expert analysis in national and broadcast press.

Savills - WINNER

Savills presented a cross-sector range of communications work, keeping its finger on the pulse to deliver up-to-date advice for clients based on the realities they faced on the ground. As well as advising clients on how to engage with the media, the team advised clients when not to speak out. Clearly respected and heavily relied upon within the wider Savills organization, the team was able to demonstrate how it had helped to produce better business outcomes through its work.


Sponsored by: ibp

WINNER: Clare Ward

View video of winners presentation

Click to view Judges' Comments

IBP Job Spot _ About This Service

Media Contacts, sponsor of the Multi-Media Journalist Award category, has joined forces with IBP to assist employers and candidates working in the built environment sector, either journalists or communications practitioners, with their next career move.

Helpful briefing notes that quickly and effectively informs both employer and job seeker on some of the issues that both parties should be aware of and prepare for can now be found in our helpful information.

For quick access click the following:

Information for Employers

Information for Candidates

Media Contacts will also be keeping members informed of the latest ‘hot jobs’ on offer in the built environment on #ibpjobspot

Keep yourself informed, use the briefing notes to prepare for your next move and follow Media Contacts on #ibpjobspot

Best Wishes

Front Page


It’s time to enter the IBP Journalism Awards 2024

The 50th annual IBP Journalism Awards 2024 are now open for entries. These awards recognise the very best journalism in the property and construction sector and have become a benchmark for excellence.

They are judged by a panel of influential journalists and industry professionals drawn from the built environment. Winners of the journalist categories will be awarded £500 and the overall winner will be named IBP Journalist of the Year.

You can view the categories and submit your entry through our new awards website.

The deadline to enter is Friday 6 September 2024 and we encourage entries from any journalist or media brand writing about the built environment.

The award ceremony will take place on 21 November 2024 at The Building Centre in London.

If you have any questions about the awards, please contact Cristie Hammond: ibpjournalismawards@gmail.com

IBP National Journalism Awards 2022 – Winners Announced

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 49th IBP National Journalism Awards 2022. The ceremony took place on Thursday 17 November at the IET Savoy Place in central London.

IBP National Journalism Award 2022 winners:
  • Journalist of the Year: Will Ing, Architects’ Journal
  • Editorial Brand of the Year: Dezeen
  • New Journalist of the Year: Gráinne Cuffe, Inside Housing
  • Architectural Writer of the Year: Will Ing, Architects’ Journal
  • Business / Financial Journalist of the Year: Joshua Stein, Construction News
  • Construction / Infrastructure Journalist of the Year: Rob Horgan, New Civil Engineer
  • Feature Writer of the Year: Peter Apps, Inside Housing
  • Housing / Residential Property Journalist of the Year: Peter Apps, Inside Housing
  • News Reporter of the Year: Will Ing, Architects’ Journal
  • Scoop of the Year: Jack Simpson, Inside Housing

IBP also gave a special ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Profession’ award to Oliver Shah, Associate Editor and Leader Writer at The Sunday Times.

All of the winning articles are now presented in IBP’s new digital publication, the ‘Best Stories in Construction 2022’ – a must-read for anyone working in the built environment.

Photos from the event, including shots of all the winners, social media graphics and more can be found on our Awards Hub.


Executive Board Message 2021

I think you will all agree that it has been quite a year, but hopefully we should see a return to something that is, if not normal, then closer to normal life as we begin to pick-up the pieces and engage with colleagues and face-to-face business challenges.

The lockdown has given the IBP executive board a chance to reflect and review where we are as a membership organisation, and to look at how we might want to shape the role of the organisation going forward.

The executive board has lots of ideas and you will hear more about these initiatives over the next months as we prepare for this year’s journalism awards. If you have any ideas that you would like to share with the board please let me know by email to: Harriett.Hindmarsh@aecom.com

Harriett Hindmarsh
Chair, IBP

Click here for the AGM papers

IBP Journalism Awards 2024 supporters

We are delighted to announce our supporters for the IBP Journalism Awards 2024.

Click here to find out more

Oliver Shah – Outstanding Contribution

IBP recognised the outstanding contribution of one of our industry’s most successful and respected journalists. Click here to read article.

Clive Branson (1935-2022)

An appreciation of the late Clive Branson by friends and former colleagues.

Click here to read article

Our tribute to Marcus Fairs

IBP pays tribute to Marcus Fairs, editor of Dezeen, following the news of his death.

Click here to read article

IBP Annual National Journalism Awards 2021 – Winning Journalists’ citation

Tony Travers to give 2021 Wren Talk’

2021 Journalism Awards nominations

Graham Ridout remembered

Graham Ridout, award winning investigative journalist on Contract Journal and Building magazine was laid to rest on 7 June 2021.

Click here to read article

IBP National Journalism Awards 2020: Full results, awards bulletin and nominations

To view details
Click Here

IBP Futures Group: Response and Responsibility – Video

Response and Responsibility the full debate in individual speaker modules followed by the Q&A.

Please click here

Ibp 50th Anniversary Celebration Programme

Built environment comms professional? Stand out by learning the science behind the art of communications

Harriett-HindmarshHarriett Hindmarsh,
Chair of the Board for IBP and Vice President, Global Marketing and Communications at AECOM. ​

I’ve worked in the built environment industry as a communications professional for over 10 years and in that time I’ve seen the role evolve enormously.

The post-recession world is incredibly dynamic and demanding with more and more pressure on resource and the need to be accountable, and in my opinion as professionals we need to acknowledge the way the profession is changing.

Here are the major trends that you need be on top of if you want to thrive...


About ibp

International Building Press (ibp) is a membership organisation that brings together journalists and communications professionals involved in the construction, architecture, housing and property sectors.

ibp provides its members with unparalleled opportunities to share experiences, network and further their careers through a calendar of events events link and two prestigious annual awards schemes.

Membership is open to national, regional, business and technical journalists, press relations and communications professionals and to employees and freelancers alike. Current members include many of the best known professionals on the field

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ibp Supporters
