Executive Board’s report 2009/2010

Gerald Bowey
Gerald Bowey

In common with our sector IBP has had a mixture of good and bad news to deal with. Nevertheless in 2009 we continued to provide members with the key events that set IBP apart from other communications groups, celebrated our 40th Anniversary and set-up the first Futures Group.

One of the partnerships to suffer was with The All Party Parliamentary Built Environment Group with which we had planned to co-host another Housing debate in the light of the Bill being adopted (given Royal Assent early 2010) and the run-up to the next general election. With the dire state of the housing market and politicians of all shades running for cover, under the general excuse of being in purdah, this initiative fell by the wayside.

Last June’s IBP Journalists v PR’s cricket match, sponsored by restoration and stone specialists Szerelmey, produced another PR winning side, with team captains, Dave Rogers (Construction News, now running his own media company) and Andy Walker (in his last act before leaving ACE for the charity sector) giving their all – both in taking the field and shouting encouragement to their teams.

The Annual Summer Dinner held at the RAC was a truly International affair not only kicking-off the IBP 40th celebrations but also marking the CIOB’s 175th Anniversary with their President Li Shirong delivering a keynote speech, to over 70 members, on the opportunities available from the continuing emerging markets in China.

Professor Li also presented the first of the 2009 crop of Awards the Subscription and In-House Magazine of the Year – with the chairman of the judges Giles Barrie, editor of Property Week, providing his usual running commentary on the judge’s final choices.

Commenting, Giles said: “We had a lively and invigorating final judging session in both categories and were most impressed with the variety on offer and the different approaches taken”. In acknowledging the judges deliberations he particularly thanked architectural author and journalist Ruth Slavid, former editor of AJ Online, “for her forensic analysis of the entries”.

Giles praised the Willmott Dixon and Costain entries two polished publications, “the Judges relished the openness with which Willmott Dixon described some big corporate changes, while Costain clearly demonstrated communications flair in the packed issues of Blueprint submitted” he said.

Announcing Mott Macdonald’s m2 the winner, in the In-House category, Giles commented: “This is a publication for its time, concise, colourful yet cost effective, with a lot of personality, information and projects and an overall warm feel to the presentation of the contents”.

In the Subscription category Giles announced a Highly Commended Award for Construction Manager, a former winner, “this magazine has improved again under the editorship of Elaine Knutt, with a marked stronger editorial voice on behalf of the membership of the CIOB” he said.

But the winner in this category was ‘A’ from RIBA North West. “We were truly wowed by this title. It looks and feels great but does not limit itself to highly specialized or pretentious architectural fare” he said. Indeed the issue that impressed the judges the most was the issue that focused on the recession “far more enjoyable” he said “than the Le Corbusier issue at the same time there was a great North West spirit flowing throughout” he concluded.

In July we held a unique concert of two parts to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the founding of IBP; starting at the spiritual home of journalism, St Bride’s Church Fleet Street, the magnificent choir took us through a programme of four decades of contemporary music and song. This was followed in The Press House by supper and live music with Clarence King and the Regents, fronted by Bob Kidby and including guest spots by Claer Barrett and Jack Russell. The whole evening was made possible because of the generous support of Bob Kidby and the sponsorship of Lovells, now Hogan Lovells.

Last October unfortunately saw another casualty of the credit crunch, after four seasons, the IBP Regional Journalism Awards were stood down because of lack of sponsorship support from the North West property sector. The IBP board will review the situation in 2010.

But October also saw a full turnout of all the judges sitting on the National Journalism Awards panels; some twenty four journalists and construction industry professionals came together for the final judging session, again hosted by The Building Centre in Store Street, to make their final selections. This follows the assessment of over three hundred articles and twenty magazines. A daunting task delivered with great care and professionalism by the judges.

To close the 40th Anniversary programme a capacity audience attended the IBP Annual National Journalism Awards in the Members’ Dining Room at the House of Commons, preceded by a reception, supported by BDP, in the Strangers’ Dining Room.

The individual categories, (with the exception of the Housing Journalist Award), continued to be well supported by sponsors with the evening event also being sponsored by Resolution Property. Entries in most categories remained high with a range of positive news and feature stories as well as analytical pieces on the credit crunch grabbing the headlines and the Awards please see the Awards’09 Bulletin report on the IBP website homepage for full results.

We were most fortunate to have as our Guest Speaker Roy Greenslade, Media Analysis, Evening Standard and Professor of Journalism at City University London who gave us his ‘take’ on the battle between print and online news gathering and delivery to the reader (a full transcript of Roy’s speech can be viewed on the homepage); while Peter Murray, Director of NLA, guided us through the Award categories with his usual insightful links.

Your executive board (please see full listing attached to the AGM papers) continues to oversee the events and ‘new’ initiatives that IBP takes forward on an annual basis they should all be congratulated on the very positive way in which they work together and contribute to the meetings, often after putting in a full days work.

Having reached our 40th Anniversary the board has set-up a number of Futures Groups to look at the interests and needs of young journalists and communicators. In addition, with sponsors, we are looking at the development of the National Awards scheme and the online role provided by members in delivering the news. Claer Barrett, associate editor of Investors Chronicle has kindly agreed to chair the Young Futures Group and reported to the board in February 2010. By the time you read this report I hope you will already see positive additions to the IBP programme.

Of course the events mentioned above and other IBP initiatives are regularly reported and archived on the website for your further interest. Do take a look.

IBP will only prosper if we share the issues that interest us. Journalists need to engage and set the agenda with communications professionals both in-house and in consultancies; PR’s need to talk to journalists before they target their news stories. How often have we heard the clarion call know your media? Well use the IBP network to help build your relationship with journalists.

IBP has and can continue to contribute to the wider on-going debates constantly taking place in our sector, in this context I encourage you to get involved and to make a difference, we now have future groups that can help facilitate your input – please do not hesitate to contact IBP.

Oliver Shah receives Outstanding Contribution Award

IBP has recognised the outstanding contribution of one of our industry’s most successful and respected journalists, Oliver Shah, Associate Editor and Leader Writer at The Sunday Times.

For 15 years he has been one of the leading journalists in the property world, through his writing for the Sunday Times and latterly, his must-read weekly column in React News.

He was named business journalist of the year at the 2017 Press Awards for his investigation into Sir Philip Green’s £1 sale of BHS. The judges described it as ‘the standout business story of the year’ and said that his ‘bravery [and] doggedness… brought the whole BHS affair to the public consciousness’.

He was also named business journalist of the year at the 2017 London Press Club Awards. Oliver has been interviewed on Radio Four’s Today Programme, BBC News, BBC Five Live and Sky News.

He attended Reading grammar school and studied English literature at Cambridge University between 2002 and 2005. He worked for various trade magazines before completing a postgraduate qualification in newspaper journalism at City University in 2008. He then joined the London business daily City AM in 2009 and The Sunday Times in 2010.

His first book, Damaged Goods: The Inside Story of Sir Philip Green, the Collapse of BHS and the Death of the High Street was published in 2018 and was a Sunday Times bestseller.

Oliver received his award at the IBP National Journalism Awards ceremony on 17 November 2022.

IBP Annual National Journalism Awards 2021 – Winning Journalists’ citation

Architecture Writer of the Year

Frances Williams, Architects’ Journal, is a journalist with a distinctive voice who writes with style and confidence. This submission is packed with closely-observed details achieving an easy balance between technicalities, interviews and personal observation. Each feature demonstrates a sharp critical eye, making the reader almost feel as if they are at the scene. This writer highlights the importance of recycling buildings of merit, bringing historic architecture to life.

Construction/Infrastructure Writer of the Year

Thomas Lane, Building, produced three well-structured articles; packed with detail and delivered at pace.

The piece on ‘The drive for green machines’ being very much of our time, benefitted from in-depth research and close attention to detail.

The highly topical piece ‘What are we going to do about concrete’– was well structured and informative, drawing high praise from the judges.

The ‘Cornish’ piece completed a trilogy of interesting and insightful articles – which, the judges agreed, were simply outstanding.

News Reporter of the Year

Jack Simpson – Inside Housing, entered three powerful, investigative and still hugely topical fire safety stories that lead the way and were followed up by major national media coverage, bringing them to the wider audience they deserve.

Feature Writer of the Year

Martina Lees, The Sunday Times, entered three powerful and empathetic articles each engaging and insightful.

The comprehensive and hard-hitting piece on ‘Families trapped in fire risk flats they cannot sell’ – (appearing on the front page of a national newspaper) helped to further expose the true scale of the fall-out from the Grenfell fire – in the judges view an outstanding piece of journalism.

The piece ‘Footing the bill for the cladding crisis’ was praised by the judges for its detailed research and heartfelt portrayal of the human as well as material cost of this continuing tragedy.

Business/Financial Journalist of the Year

David Price, Construction News, submissions showed his ability to break scoops and identify trends. The variety highlighted his breadth. His explanation of why the pandemic had failed to produce a surge in bankruptcies – but why it would – was timely and analytical. His writing is crisp, tight, and had impact.

Housing/Residential Journalist of the Year

Peter Apps, Inside Housing, has a talent for finding fresh angles on big national stories but also unearthing stories on subjects away from the limelight and flagging up the wider implications for the housing sector.

New Journalist of the Year

Jennifer Hahn, Dezeen, delivered three very different stories, demonstrating versatility, maturity and an ability to dig out a story and raise awareness on subjects of importance. The writer avoids swallowing the PR line and digs deeper giving critical, balanced, provocative and revealing pieces. Design that produces carbon-neutral buildings runs through this submission.

Scoop of the Year

Martina Lees, The Sunday Times, winning article was an incredibly well researched piece which for the first time quantified the scale of the cladding crisis and how it was impacting 1.5 million households from across all tenures. It was a great piece of journalism and not surprisingly the journalists coverage of the issue has been frequently cited in parliament as the nightmare rolls on.

Editorial Brand of the Year

Winner: Architects’ Journal

On the foundations of its thoughtful, well-written and often brave B2B journalism, the AJ speaks with a passionate and eloquent editorial voice. The magazine and website offer complementary experiences, powered by clear and well executed editorial goals. The brand provokes and promotes its principles beyond its core audience, as is exemplified by the impressive cut-through of its ongoing Retrofirst campaign.

Highly commended: Inside Housing

Inside Housing’s trump card is its fantastic journalism, which displays campaigning zeal in a world where investigative journalism is a rare commodity. It provides its target audience with a wealth of information, and its relaunched “End our Cladding Scandal” campaign has successfully deployed this unparalleled specialist knowledge more widely.

IBP Journalist of the Year

Winner: Martina Lees, The Sunday Times

When a skilled reporter on a leading publication tackles a big subject, they deserve to be considered for a major award. The plight of flat-owners facing huge bills because of dangerous cladding is a massive story. The Sunday Times has the scale to present that story powerfully. But it requires a journalist who can match the owners’ massive problems and the magnitude of the newspaper’s circulation to do justice to the gravity of this calamity.

Martina Lees rose to that challenge. Indeed, splashing her reports across the front of the paper and on inside pages were key to turning a mere story into a major scandal. A market-leading Sunday paper may have the resources to allow such comprehensive reporting, but that is nothing unless the writer can make the most of such facilities.

Martina delved deeply into the detail of a national disgrace. By interviewing dozens of victims she accumulated the colour that made her features so compelling. And by analysing data she acquired the facts that demonstrate the effect the cladding fears are having on the property market. It is a winning combination of skills: she broke the news and could paint the wider picture.

Employment advice by Media Contacts for Employers


Employment and Salary Trends and News for 2017


Keeping up to date with the UK employment market is vital when running a business. Having knowledge of the latest trends and statistics regarding employment culture, law and salaries will ensure you keep one step ahead of your competitors.

  •  In 2017 the UK saw its lowest unemployment rate in 42 years according to The Office of National Statistics, with a high of 75.3% of the population being employed. The continued rise in employment, coupled with falling unemployment, is further evidence that the UK jobs market remains resilient, with firms continuing to recruit
  • The British Chambers of Commerce is concerned that the number of job vacancies remains well above the historical average - a further indication of the continued skills shortage faced by business, which is weighing on productivity and growth prospects. Their latest research found that half of UK firms had faced skills or labour shortages over the past year. Reasons include an ageing population and evidence that non-UK nationals have been leaving the country due to impending Brexit and devalued sterling meaning that their income has been cut significantly when converted back to other currencies
  • Flexible working proved hugely beneficial to businesses, reducing employee stress levels and increasing productivity
  • With the rise of inflation, many are questioning whether salaries are going to increase with it. According to the BDO weak productivity growth, driven in part by economic uncertainty, is thought to be holding back pay growth. A major challenge for the labour market
  • Providing a strong benefits package has become popular amongst many companies. If your company becomes known for offering great benefits it then can become easier to recruit talented employees
  • Social media screening is becoming more prevalent in the hiring process. Some large firms are now involving artificial intelligence in recruitment
  • We have noticed a hesitance amongst candidates to change jobs, due to fears over the impact of Brexit and a desire for stability. This means that employers need to be making an even more compelling case for making a move.
  •  The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force in 2018. Any employers keeping a database of applicants (HR departments/internal recruiters) will need to ensure that they are compliant with this. Penalty for non-compliance is a fine of up to €20M.

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

Employment Advice by Media Contacts for Employers


Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Diversity at all levels in organisations builds strong foundations for long-term success, in both the private and the public sector. Making good use of the talent, skills and experience of all drives better corporate performance and creates a healthy, motivating working environment for employees. Equal opportunity is key to having a meritocratic, fair environment. Here are some concepts which managers should bear in mind regarding workplace diversity and equal opportunity:

  • Diversity is as important within the workplace just as much as it is outside of work. The aim is to have a workforce that will be truly representative of all sections of society, and to create an environment where each employee feels respected.
  • A diverse workforce is important as it not only makes employees feel at ease, allowing them to do their job more effectively. It manifests in a company’s culture, which in the long run can have an impact on the reputation of the business.
  •  Discrimination and victimisation should be treated as disciplinary offences and dealt with immediately under your Company Disciplinary Procedure. Make sure all staff are aware of your company’s diversity policies and disciplinary procedures.
  •  When creating policies on diversity, remember that they should be designed to inspire rather than restrict. Leaders must understand and believe in the value of diversity, and help this mindset flow throughout the organisation’s structure and culture, influencing employees.
  • A template diversity policy can be found at: https://www.rocketlawyer.co.uk/documents-and-forms/equal-opportunities-policy.rl#

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

IBP Journalism Awards 2020 – Sponsorship details

Each host receives the following sponsorship benefits:

  • Host support announcements to entire membership data base, including email Alerts, twitter and LinkedIn platforms.
  • Online publicity campaign (commencing in June 2020) to over 300 named journalists. Previous year’s entrants targeted in each category.
  • Branding on IBP Journalism Awards sponsors website page/Awards Bulletins (through to June 2021 inclusive).
  • Listing and logo on all entry and Awards material (July to December 2020 inclusive)
  • Use of IBP Journalism Awards logo on hosts stationery and email header.
  • IBP website link to sponsors website.
  • Listing and logo on material circulated to all magazines/newspapers (August to December 2020).
  • Listing and logo on online dinner details and ticket application forms.
  • Mention in external pre and post promotion and publicity.
  • A table for 10 people at the Awards dinner to include a minimum of three and a maximum of six nominated journalists in sponsors category plus a category judge, together with three guests of your choice. Total 10 people. Tables can be increased to accommodate up to 12 people.
  • Three course dinner with wine/water.
  • Logo on meet and greet tables located in a dedicated reception area, dinner table, menu, presentation stage set, category section and evening Awards Bulletin.
  • Representative from host organisation to present cheque to winning editor/journalist, with photo opportunity.
  • Mention in category introduction on the night.
  • Listing and logo on online Awards Bulletin and evening Awards presentation video. (Awards Bulletin goes ‘live’ the following morning, the video is available to view the following week).
  • Networking opportunities with journalists and guests at the pre-dinner reception. Each sponsor will be provided with their own meeting point ‘tall table’ in a dedicated area, with a logo above their table
  • Post Awards drinks reception. Complimentary until 22.00 hours.
  • Mention of sponsor in category winner’s publication. (NB: while this is more of less beyond the control of the Awards organisers, individual press releases and award presentation photographs, for each category, are sent to the news editor to reach all publication the morning following the Awards dinner).
  • Photographs of the winner with host sent electronically to winners and sponsors the next morning.
  • Inclusion on the IBP website Awards news section throughout 2020/21, after which news links are transferred to the ‘live’ archive section of the website.

Click the Awards and Archive Awards section of the main navigation menu to access previous year’s Awards Bulletin and events.

The Journalism Awards Presentation dinner will take place on Thursday 19th  November at the Leonardo Royal hotel at St Paul’s, London  and will be hosted by a leading national media personality.



For 2020, we believe additional measures should be taken to highlight the prestige of the Journalism Awards, and to honour the people who make these awards a reality. An enhanced social media marketing campaign, which will run in the lead up to the event and beyond, will give sponsors the recognition for supporting the work of individual journalists and the built environment media.

Launching across digital and traditional channels, the social media marketing campaign is an unmissable opportunity for sponsors to capitalise on a new platform for exposure, not just on the day of the awards, but for the full lifecycle of the campaign, pre- and post-event.

The planned social media marketing campaign will treat the Journalism Awards with the respect, attention and care a modern event of its stature deserves and is designed to build excitement and anticipation in the weeks and months leading up to the awards presentations.



This year’s edition of the Journalism Awards will be a thoroughly modern affair, with the development of an enhanced digital layer. This virtual version will run alongside the traditional event and will allow the awards to not just forge ahead but thrive in the face of the challenge posed by COVID-19 legislation.

With the implementation of both the digital layer and the social media marketing campaign, there has truly never been more options and opportunities for sponsors to consider. As well as posing an exciting initiative in itself  the digital layer presents a completely new platform to be capitalised on for branding and sponsorship purposes.

We have partnered with leaders in the industry of virtual events – Live Group –  to deliver this digital layer, who will produce this cutting-edge solution.

Functionally, the digital layer will provide a place to watch the Journalism Awards online if you are unable to attend the event itself. It will also be the home for pre- and post-event content, and a place to network during the event, wherever you may be.



Examples of the printed marketing material and branding opportunities can be sent on request. Last year’s Awards Bulletin and recorded highlights can be viewed on the IBP website homepage video library link www.ibp.org.uk

The cost of a host sponsorship package for each Award category remains at last year’s rate of £5,500.00 plus VAT.

In addition to the individual Award category sponsorship packages there are opportunities to participate as an event host, including the pre-dinner and post Awards receptions. These elements are available for further discussion to help meet sponsors specific requirements.

All details are correct at time of posting on the website.


March 2020



IBP Communication and PR Awards and Summer Party 2017

“Engineering a career change” at the Communication Awards Party

Communication and PR Awards Presentation Party: Wednesday 5th July 2017

“Engineering a career change”

2016 New Journalist category winner, Katherine Smale, Technical Reporter, New Civil Engineer will share her career changing experiences, from budding engineer to young journalist. Katherine will also hand out the awards to this year’s crop of communications and PR practitioners.

Join the winners – to be announced on the night – at All Bar One Ludgate Hill, 44-46 Ludgate Hill, corner of Old Bailey, London EC4M 7DE and the leading built environments editors and journalists, who have been invited as IBP’s guests.

IBP President, Rebecca Evans, editor, Construction News, will be presenting the citations.

For a ticket, to include complementary bar throughout the evening and substantial buffet Please click here

For event venue details Please click here

I look forward to seeing you there to cheer on the winners and party with our sectors top journalists.

With best wishes,

Please do not reply to this email.

© 2000 - 2016 IBP. All rights reserved.


IBP Annual Journalism Awards Dinner 2015 – Ticket Application


    Single tickets:

    £117.00 each + £23.40 VAT = £140.40 inc.

    Half tables for five people (shared with five other people)

    £583 + £117.00 VAT = £702.00 inc

    A table for ten people

    £1170.00 + £234.00 VAT = £1404.00 (to include hosts table branding).
    There are a limited number of tables of 12 available on request.


    Please fill out the following information

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    I wish to reserve     places for the IBP Annual Journalism Awards Dinner 2015
    at the Four Seasons Hotel, London on 19th November 2015


    Company/Publication (required)


    Guest names (one per line)

    Payment can be made by cheque - send cheque to: IBP Services, 4th Floor, 4-8 Ludgate Circus, London EC4M 7L


    via our online payment system: www.ibp.org.uk/online-payments/

    Payment type:

    Other Message

    To prove you are not a robot, please answer the question below

    Communication & PR Awards 2014


    Communication and PR Awards 2014 - Clare Barrett Introduction
    IBP Communication and PR Awards 2014 - Presentations
    Some 90 members and guests came together to celebrate this year’s winners of the Communication and PR Awards held at McQueen in Shoreditch. Claer Barrett filled this year’s guest speaker slot, with a run down of her career and her latest appointment as Senior Reporter for FT.com, see stand alone video, while again presenting this year’s crop of nomination



    Read the fully story and results in the ibp Communication Awards and PR Bulletin 2014