Executive Board Report 2018/19

IBPā€™s 50th anniversary brings an opportunity both to reflect and to cast our minds forwards to the future.

The organisationā€™s beginnings date back to the meeting of a handful of construction industry journalists in a Rotterdam pub in 1969. Their common aim was to seek and provide ā€œmutual friendship, help and informationā€. Five decades on, the core purpose of IBP remains unchanged.

Now, as then, the specialist media has a crucial role in informing, scrutinising and holding decision-makers to account. Now, as then, our members possess unique insight based on unrivalled knowledge.

The built environment is a bricks and mortar industry of huge significance to the economy. It is also socially and politically pivotal. During the past year, IBP members have continued their proud tradition of informing public discourse on topics as varied as prime ministerial hopeful Boris Johnsonā€™s ill-fated Ā£53m garden bridge, to the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the collapse of Carillion, and HS2.

IBP continues to support members, bringing together journalists and communications professionals from the construction, design, property and housing sectors. We recognise and celebrate excellence. We promote common interests and learning.

In 2018, the Communication and PR Awards once again celebrated the talent, knowledge and dedication of members. From London Communication Agencyā€™s highly creative Slideatron project, which involved erecting a giant Christmas-themed slide at Wembley Park, to Liz Maleā€™s diversity campaign at Mipim, winning entries were varied and impressive. FTIā€™s Ellie Perham-Marchant wowed the judges with the range, impact and passion of her work to take home the Young Communicator of the Year award.

The 45th IBP Journalism Awards opened with an address from ACE chief executive Hannah Vickers, who provided a fascinating insight into her journey crossing over from HM Treasury. The awards were once again judged by a respected expert judging panel, and highlighted the quality and value of committed, long-term investigative journalism. The national and regional media were strongly represented, alongside the built environment B2B titles.

IBPā€™s anniversary year kicked off with ā€˜Build on 50ā€™, a series of events and activities to prompt debate about the future of the built environment media. The programme got off to a strong start with a re-launched IBP Futures Group series. Over 80 members gathered to take part in the ā€œInvestigative Impact: making investigative journalism go further and fasterā€ and hear from two Orwell Prize shortlisted reporters: Madison Marriage, whose undercover investigation blew open the Presidents Club scandal and Jane Bradley, whose ā€˜From Russia with Loveā€™ series shone a light on murders on British soil.

In the next session, Richard Fletcher, Business Editor, The Times joined a panel of young journalists and an audience of communicators to discuss the challenges we all face in engaging with Gen Z.

It is a great honour, as 15th IBP president, to have the opportunity to look back at past achievements and contribute towards shaping the organisation for the future. IBP is run for and by its members, and your involvement and input will underpin our work in the coming years. I urge all members to think about what you would like to see from IBP and get involved in creating that future.

I warmly thank all board members ā€“ past and present ā€“ for generously giving their time and expertise at meetings and working groups. On behalf of members, I thank Gerald Bowey for his commitment, service and direction over the years.

I look forward to continuing to work with members as we Build on 50.

Emma Maier
President, IBP
Portfolio director, Inside Housing, Ocean Media

The Annual Wren Talk: ā€™Nicholas Barbon ā€“ the man who transformed Londonā€™

Architectural writer and historian Jeremy Melvin gives this yearā€™s talk on the colourful seventeenth century economist and financier, Nicholas Barbon, who turned property development into speculation and invented fire insurance.

It was not worth his while to deal little; that a bricklayer could do‘ an admirer wrote of Wrenā€™s contemporary Nicholas Barbon. ThisĀ  assessment contains the key to how Barbon transformed London: he turned property development from an extension of construction (bricklaying) into fully fledged speculation ā€” where it has been ever since.

Barbon invented the concept of risk management through founding the first fire insurance company. His tracts, like ‘An Apology for the Builder’ and ‘Of Trade’, argued the benefits of continuous economic growth backed by expansion of credit. This led Karl Marx, with grudging approval, to make ‘Old Barbon’ the first economic authority he cited in Das Kapital.

Jeremy Melvin was formerly consultant curator to the Royal Academy architecture programme, he is Programme Curator for the World Architecture Festival and a visiting professor at the Bartlett School of Architecture.

The Talk and Q&A session will be chaired by Paul Finch, programme director of the World Architecture Festival and editorial director of the Architectural Review and Architectsā€™ Journal.

Limited tickets are available to attend in person at St Brideā€™s, Fleet Street, and the event will also be streamed live on YouTube. Click here to register:


IBP Journalism Awards 2020 – Sponsorship details

Each host receives the following sponsorship benefits:

  • Host support announcements to entire membership data base, including email Alerts, twitter and LinkedIn platforms.
  • Online publicity campaign (commencing in June 2020) to over 300 named journalists. Previous yearā€™s entrants targeted in each category.
  • Branding on IBP Journalism Awards sponsors website page/Awards Bulletins (through to June 2021 inclusive).
  • Listing and logo on all entry and Awards material (July to December 2020 inclusive)
  • Use of IBP Journalism Awards logo on hosts stationery and email header.
  • IBP website link to sponsors website.
  • Listing and logo on material circulated to all magazines/newspapers (August to December 2020).
  • Listing and logo on online dinner details and ticket application forms.
  • Mention in external pre and post promotion and publicity.
  • A table for 10 people at the Awards dinner to include a minimum of three and a maximum of six nominated journalists in sponsors category plus a category judge, together with three guests of your choice. Total 10 people. Tables can be increased to accommodate up to 12 people.
  • Three course dinner with wine/water.
  • Logo on meet and greet tables located in a dedicated reception area, dinner table, menu, presentation stage set, category section and evening Awards Bulletin.
  • Representative from host organisation to present cheque to winning editor/journalist, with photo opportunity.
  • Mention in category introduction on the night.
  • Listing and logo on online Awards Bulletin and evening Awards presentation video. (Awards Bulletin goes ā€˜liveā€™ the following morning, the video is available to view the following week).
  • Networking opportunities with journalists and guests at the pre-dinner reception. Each sponsor will be provided with their own meeting point ā€˜tall tableā€™ in a dedicated area, with a logo above their table
  • Post Awards drinks reception. Complimentary until 22.00 hours.
  • Mention of sponsor in category winnerā€™s publication. (NB: while this is more of less beyond the control of the Awards organisers, individual press releases and award presentation photographs, for each category, are sent to the news editor to reach all publication the morning following the Awards dinner).
  • Photographs of the winner with host sent electronically to winners and sponsors the next morning.
  • Inclusion on the IBP website Awards news section throughout 2020/21, after which news links are transferred to the ā€˜liveā€™ archive section of the website.

Click the Awards and Archive Awards section of the main navigation menu to access previous yearā€™s Awards Bulletin and events.

The Journalism Awards Presentation dinner will take place on Thursday 19th Ā November at the Leonardo Royal hotel at St Paulā€™s, London Ā and will be hosted by a leading national media personality.



For 2020, we believe additional measures should be taken to highlight the prestige of the Journalism Awards, and to honour the people who make these awards a reality. An enhanced social media marketing campaign, which will run in the lead up to the event and beyond, will give sponsors the recognition for supporting the work of individual journalists and the built environment media.

Launching across digital and traditional channels, the social media marketing campaign is an unmissable opportunity for sponsors to capitalise on a new platform for exposure, not just on the day of the awards, but for the full lifecycle of the campaign, pre- and post-event.

The planned social media marketing campaign will treat the Journalism Awards with the respect, attention and care a modern event of its stature deserves and is designed to build excitement and anticipation in the weeks and months leading up to the awards presentations.



This yearā€™s edition of the Journalism Awards will be a thoroughly modern affair, with the development of an enhanced digital layer. This virtual version will run alongside the traditional event and will allow the awards to not just forge ahead but thrive in the face of the challenge posed by COVID-19 legislation.

With the implementation of both the digital layer and the social media marketing campaign, there has truly never been more options and opportunities for sponsors to consider. As well as posing an exciting initiative in itself Ā the digital layer presents a completely new platform to be capitalised on for branding and sponsorship purposes.

We have partnered with leaders in the industry of virtual events ā€“ Live Group – Ā to deliver this digital layer, who will produce this cutting-edge solution.

Functionally, the digital layer will provide a place to watch the Journalism Awards online if you are unable to attend the event itself. It will also be the home for pre- and post-event content, and a place to network during the event, wherever you may be.



Examples of the printed marketing material and branding opportunities can be sent on request. Last yearā€™s Awards Bulletin and recorded highlights can be viewed on the IBP website homepage video library link www.ibp.org.uk

The cost of a host sponsorship package for each Award category remains at last yearā€™s rate of Ā£5,500.00 plus VAT.

In addition to the individual Award category sponsorship packages there are opportunities to participate as an event host, including the pre-dinner and post Awards receptions. These elements are available for further discussion to help meet sponsors specific requirements.

All details are correct at time of posting on the website.


March 2020



Employment Advice by Media Contacts for Employers


Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Diversity at all levels in organisations builds strong foundations for long-term success, in both the private and the public sector. Making good use of the talent, skills and experience of all drives better corporate performance and creates a healthy, motivating working environment for employees. Equal opportunity is key to having a meritocratic, fair environment. Here are some concepts which managers should bear in mind regarding workplace diversity and equal opportunity:

  • Diversity is as important within the workplace just as much as it is outside of work. The aim is to have a workforce that will be truly representative of all sections of society, and to create an environment where each employee feels respected.
  • Ā 
  • A diverse workforce is important as it not only makes employees feel at ease, allowing them to do their job more effectively. It manifests in a companyā€™s culture, which in the long run can have an impact on the reputation of the business.
  • Ā 
  • Ā Discrimination and victimisation should be treated as disciplinary offences and dealt with immediately under your Company Disciplinary Procedure. Make sure all staff are aware of your companyā€™s diversity policies and disciplinary procedures.
  • Ā 
  • Ā When creating policies on diversity, remember that they should be designed to inspire rather than restrict. Leaders must understand and believe in the value of diversity, and help this mindset flow throughout the organisationā€™s structure and culture, influencing employees.
  • Ā 
  • A template diversity policy can be found at: https://www.rocketlawyer.co.uk/documents-and-forms/equal-opportunities-policy.rl#

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

IBP Communication and PR Awards and Summer Party 2017

“Engineering a career change” at the Communication Awards Party

Communication and PR Awards Presentation Party: Wednesday 5th July 2017

ā€œEngineering a career changeā€

2016 New Journalist category winner, Katherine Smale, Technical Reporter, New Civil Engineer will share her career changing experiences, from budding engineer to young journalist. Katherine will also hand out the awards to this yearā€™s crop of communications and PR practitioners.

Join the winners ā€“ to be announced on the night ā€“ at All Bar One Ludgate Hill, 44-46 Ludgate Hill, corner of Old Bailey, London EC4M 7DE and the leading built environments editors and journalists, who have been invited as IBPā€™s guests.

IBP President, Rebecca Evans, editor, Construction News, will be presenting the citations.

For a ticket, to include complementary bar throughout the evening and substantial buffet Please click here

For event venue details Please click here

I look forward to seeing you there to cheer on the winners and party with our sectors top journalists.

With best wishes,

Please do not reply to this email.

Ā© 2000 - 2016 IBP. All rights reserved.


IBP Annual Journalism Awards Dinner 2015 – Ticket Application


    Single tickets:

    Ā£117.00 each + Ā£23.40 VAT = Ā£140.40 inc.

    Half tables for five people (shared with five other people)

    Ā£583 + Ā£117.00 VAT = Ā£702.00 inc

    A table for ten people

    Ā£1170.00 + Ā£234.00 VAT = Ā£1404.00 (to include hosts table branding).
    There are a limited number of tables of 12 available on request.


    Please fill out the following information

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    I wish to reserve     places for the IBP Annual Journalism Awards Dinner 2015
    at the Four Seasons Hotel, London on 19th November 2015


    Company/Publication (required)


    Guest names (one per line)

    Payment can be made by cheque - send cheque to: IBP Services, 4th Floor, 4-8 Ludgate Circus, London EC4M 7L


    via our online payment system: www.ibp.org.uk/online-payments/

    Payment type:

    Other Message

    To prove you are not a robot, please answer the question below

    Communication & PR Awards 2014


    Communication and PR Awards 2014 - Clare Barrett Introduction
    IBP Communication and PR Awards 2014 - Presentations
    Some 90 members and guests came together to celebrate this yearā€™s winners of the Communication and PR Awards held at McQueen in Shoreditch. Claer Barrett filled this yearā€™s guest speaker slot, with a run down of her career and her latest appointment as Senior Reporter for FT.com, see stand alone video, while again presenting this yearā€™s crop of nomination



    Read the fully story and results in the ibp Communication Awards and PR Bulletin 2014

    Executive Board Message 2021

    I think you will all agree that it has been quite a year, but hopefully we should see a return to something that is, if not normal, then closer to normal life as we begin to pick-up the pieces and engage with colleagues and face-to-face business challenges.

    The lockdown has given the IBP executive board a chance to reflect and review where we are as a membership organisation, and to look at how we might want to shape the role of the organisation going forward.

    The executive board has lots of ideas and you will hear more about these initiatives over the next months as we prepare for this yearā€™s journalism awards. If you have any ideas that you would like to share with the board please let me know by email to: Harriett.Hindmarsh@aecom.com

    Harriett Hindmarsh
    Chair, IBP

    IBP online AGM and Journalism Awards shortlisting invitation

    We will shortly be announcing the IBP National Journalism Awards 2022 shortlist alongside our Annual General Meeting (AGM). IBP members and non-members are invited to attend this online event on Thursday 13 October at 11am.

    This will be your opportunity to discover the entire shortlist for these prestigious awards. In addition, we hope as many members as possible will be able to attend the AGM as we will be discussing changes of major significance.

    As you will be aware, over the last year we have been undergoing some changes at IBP. We have been primarily looking at our purpose, our mission and the future structure of IBP, including how best to support journalists and communicators working in the built environment, as well as encouraging and supporting those hoping to work in our industry.Ā  At this meeting, we will be launching our new mission and vision, and outlining our new structure as we move forward.

    Members wishing to nominate any eligible member as an officer or member of the Board of Management, or put forward a resolution, should write to that effect to: Honorary Secretary, Cristie Hammond by email:Ā internationalbuildingpress@gmail.comĀ by Tuesday 11 October.

    The online meeting will take place on Thursday 13 October at 11am, and last one hour.Ā Click here to register.

    Please do join us if you can as we are would like to count on your support as we start the important work to reimagine IBP.