Executive Board Report 2019/20

Harriett Hindmarsh, Chair of IBP and Gerald Bowey, CEO, ibp Services share the direction of travel for 2020.

Celebrating Success

This report, like so many things we take for granted, has changed in its key messages since we have all been affected by the fall out of the Covid-19 virus. We started our fiftieth year in good order and even better spirits with over a 120 members celebrating the landmark anniversary with a musical appreciation of the past five decades – A Musical Construction – which offered a rare and possibly the last opportunity for younger members to meet some of the surviving early trail blazing founders,

Perhaps the message. received from Brian Daniels, chairman in 1982 while heading the corporate affairs team at Redland, best sums up the feeling on the night: “It is wonderful that IBP has reached its fifth decade, As a member 50 years ago I am amazed how the various boards and committees have made IBP into the highly professional organisation it is today.”

A copy of the evenings programme can be view on the website, go to the menu: Downloads, Social Events.

50th Anniversary discussion – ‘Can Traditional Media cut it with Generation Z’

IBP and FTI Consulting staged the highly successful `Can Traditional Media cut it with Generation Z’ as part of IBP’s  50th anniversary celebrations, with the ambition of understanding how traditional media brands are winning new followers.

Chaired by Giles Barrie, Managing Director, FTI Real Estate team and former editor of Property Week introduced the Guest of Honour, Times Business Editor and former Property Week reporter Richard Fletcher and a panellist for the evening seminar held at FTI Consulting’s City of London office and attended by 100 guests. Other panellists, representing a new crop of journalist and communicators included Josh Spencer, Social Media Journalist, The Economist, City University graduate 2018, Ella Jessel, senior reporter, The Architects’ Journal and IBP Young Journalist 2018 together with IBP Young Communicator 2018 and FTI Director, Ellie Perham-Marchant explained how they are appealing to newer readers through a range of digital strategies, including Snapchat and Instagram combined with good-old fashioned news-getting and investigative journalism. This in turn poses new challenges for the communications world, as they interact with journalists posting on new platforms in real time.

The event was recorded and is available on the IBP website: https://ibp.org.uk/videogallery/can-traditional-media-cut-it-with-gen-z/ 

Futures Group – ‘Writing brilliant features with the FT and Wired’

The final Futures Group of 2019 took place on 9th December. Titled ‘Writing brilliant features with the FT and Wired’, the event was held in collaboration with City University and sponsored by Trilogy Property, hosted at their recently completed development, Republic, at East India Dock.

The event proved to be highly popular, with over 150 attendees ranging from students from City University to editors and journalists from built environment B2B titles together with architecture and property correspondents from the national media

Prior to the presentation, attendees had the opportunity to network and it was great to see so many new faces. For many of the student attendees, this event was the first time they had come across IBP.

The proceedings were kicked off by Nick Duxbury, Group Creative Lead at Redwood BBDO, followed by a warm welcome from the event host, Robert Wolstenholme, Founder and CEO, Trinity Property.

Three top feature writers were on the panel: Emma Jacobs, Features Writer at The FT, Matt Reynolds, Science Editor at Wired and Martin Fletcher, Freelance Features Writer for the Times, FT, Telegraph and New Statesman. Each speaker gave practical advice on feature writing and highlighted why some of their most well-read articles were particularly successful. This was followed by a Q&A from a highly engaged audience, and many stayed back afterwards to ask for further advice from the panel.

The event was recorded and is available on the IBP website: https://ibp.org.uk/videogallery/ibp-futures-group-2019/ 

Journalism Awards

We ended 2019 with an outstanding crop of awards, presented by Nick Ferrari, for both Journalists and PR Practitioners in a special joint event to reflect and celebrate our memberships best work. The full report can be found on the homepage with links to the awards bulletin. Special awards for Outstanding Contribution, over their careers, were presented to veteran editor, journalist and author Peter Bill and North West PR guru Clare Moody, bringing a very successful and enjoyable year to a close.

First Futures Group Webinar

In 2020 we held our first webinar, in association with City, University of London, with an outstanding panel of national journalists on the fallout from the Covid-19 Government briefings. They shared their candid views on government press officers toeing the departmental ministers line to hide the truth from “prying” journalists: https://mediaspace.city.ac.uk/playlist/dedicated/1_glbdffox

As each of us strive to regain a semblance of normal life and rebuild relationships IBP is working on this year’s journalism awards. Having celebrated 50 years of activity our focus continues to be to support journalists and good journalism. Now, more than ever, members should get involved and shape the organisation for the future needs of the built environment media and communications profession as we all emerge from isolation and plan for future growth. IBP’s clear message to members is to support each other by Celebrating Success.

I can only end by echoing Brian Daniel’s comments, I am amazed at how the members of the board continue to work tirelessly to encourage, support and reward outstanding journalism and communications in the built environment. Equally we are fortunate that our sponsors appreciate the role of IBP in delivering the annual awards and for their support in hosting categories.

Gerald Bowey
CEO, ibp Services

For AGM Papers click here

ibp National Journalism Awards 2018 – Sponsorship Details


Each host receives the following sponsorship benefits:

  • On signing of host support announcements to entire membership data base, including email, twitter and LinkedIn platforms.
  • Online publicity campaign (commencing in June 2018) to over 300 named journalists. Previous year’s entrants targeted in each category.
  • Branding on IBP Journalism Awards sponsors website page/Awards Bulletins (through to June 2019 inclusive).
  • Listing and logo on all entry and Awards material (July to December 2018 inclusive).
  • Use of IBP Awards logo on hosts stationery and email header.
  • IBP website link to sponsors website.
  • Listing and logo on material circulated to all magazines/newspapers (August to December 2018).
  • Listing and logo on online dinner details and ticket application forms.
  • Mention in external pre and post promotion and publicity.
  • A table for ten people at the Awards dinner (in the Ballroom) to include a minimum of three and a maximum of 6 nominated journalists in (each) category plus a category judge, together with three guests of your choice. Total ten people. Tables can be increased to accommodate 12 people.
  • Three course dinner with wine/water.
  • Logo on table, menu, presentation stage set, category section and evening Awards Bulletin.
  • Senior executive from host organisation to join guest speaker on stage and present cheque to winning editor/journalist.
  • Mention in category introduction on the night.
  • Listing and logo on on-line Awards Bulletin and evening Awards presentation video. (Awards Bulletin goes ‘live’ the following morning, the video is available to view the following week).
  • Networking opportunities with journalists and guests at the pre-dinner reception, with drinks and canapes. Each sponsor will be provided with their own meeting point ‘tall table’ in the Pine and Oak Rooms, with a logo above their table
  • Post Awards drinks reception. Complimentary bar until 22.00 hours.
  • Mention of sponsor in category winner’s publication. (NB: while this is more of less beyond the control of the Awards organisers, individual press releases and award presentation photographs, for each category, are sent to the news editor to reach all publication the morning following the Awards dinner).
  • Photographs of the winner with host sent electronically to winners and sponsors the next morning.
  • Inclusion on the IBP website Awards news section throughout 2018/19, after which news links are transferred to the ‘live’ archive section.

See www.ibp.org.uk Click Awards Awards section of the menu to access previous years Awards Bulletin and events.

The Journalism Awards Presentation dinner will take place on Thursday 29th November, with the Awards section of the evening hosted by Peter Murray, chairman, London Festival of Architecture. The Awards will be presented by a guest speaker, to be announced.

Examples of the printed marketing material and branding opportunities can be sent on request. Last years Awards Bulletin and recorded highlights of the speakers and Awards presentations can be viewed on the ibp website homepage video library link www.ibp.org.uk

The cost of a host sponsorship package for each Award category remains at £5,950.00 plus VAT.

In addition to the individual Award category sponsorship package there are opportunities to participate as an event host, including the pre-dinner and post Awards receptions. These elements are available for further discussion to help meet sponsors specific requiremen6s.

All details are correct at time of posting on the website.

March 2018

ibp Membership Application Form

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    IBP Communication and PR Awards 2018: Full Results

    The judges unanimously applauded this year’s Young Communicator of the Year, FTI’s Ellie Perham-Marchant declaring her a genuine ambassador for our industry and awarded her a second accolade – overall Communicator of the Year!

    Left to right: Gerald Bowey, CEO, ibp Services, Martin Hilditch Executive Editor, Inside Housing, IBP Communicator of the Year, Ellie Perham-Marchant, FTI Consulting and Ruth Slavid, architecture editor and writer, Vice-President IBP.


    CLICK ARROWS next to names to download the final pdf entries for each award


    Sponsored by: PRCA

    WINNER: Ridgemount PR
    CAMPAIGN: ‘Why Prismian?’

    HIGHLY COMMENDED: Liz Male Consulting
    CAMPAIGN: ‘UK Construction Week Diversity Policy’


    Sponsored by: Thomas & Trotman Design

    WINNER: London Communications Agency
    CAMPAIGN: ‘Slideatron at Wembley Park’


    Sponsored by: Thomas & Trotman Design

    WINNER: Savills


    Sponsored by: The Built Environment Trust

    WINNER: Liz Male Consultancy


    Sponsored by: CIPR/CAPSIG

    WINNER: Ellie Perham-Marchant, FTI Consulting



    Sponsored by: IBP

    WINNER: Ellie Perham-Marchant, FTI Consulting

    ibp Journalism Awards 2016: Judges

    Giles Barrie, Managing Director, FTI Consulting [former editor, Property Week]

    Adrian Barrick, Global Brand Director, Haymarket Business Media [former editor, Buildin] *

    Lewis Blackwell, Executive Director, The Building Centre [former journalist: Estates Times]

    Pip Clothier, Journalist and broadcaster

    Mark Collins, Executive Director, CBRE

    Michael Day, Managing Director, Integra Property Services

    Peter Day, Correspondent, BBC 'In Business' programme

    Tim Denton, Director, Denton Media, Consultant to Dennis Publishing *

    George Demetri, Freelance Journalist [former editor World Tunnelling & Port Technology Int]

    Hannah Fearn, Comment Editor, The Independent *

    Soraya Khan, Founder Partner, Theis and Khan Architects

    David Lawson, Freelance Journalist

    Mike Leonard, Director, Modern Masonry Alliance *

    Lee Mallett, Consultant, Urbik Limited [former editor, Building Design/Estates Times]

    Dominic Morgan, Director, Ing Media [former deputy editor, Property Week]

    Richard Northedge, City & Business Journalist [former deputy City editor, The Sunday Telegraph]

    Alasdair Reisner, CEO, Civil Engineering Contractors Association [former journalist: Construction News]

    Peter Roper, Freelance Journalist

    Dickon Ross, Editor-in-Chief, Engineering & Technology

    Barbara Rowlands, Associate Professor of Journalism, City University London *

    David Saffin, Consulting Engineer, CEO, Second Option Alliance

    John Slaughter, Director, External Affairs, Home Builders Federation

    Ruth Slavid, Architectural editor and journalist, [former editor AJ Online]

    David Taylor, Editor, New London Quarterly

    John Waples, UK Head of Strategic Communications, FTI Consulting [former City editor, the Sunday Times]

    James Whitmore, Tavistock [former Executive Editor, Property Week]

    John Yadoo, Partner, Pryme Consulting [Vice President CIOB]

    *New judges for 2016
    This list of judges is correct at the time of issue
    30 June 2016


    Download a PDF of this list

    ibp National Journalism Awards 2016 – Sponsorship Details

    Each host receives the following benefits:

    • Announcement of host support to entire membership data base, including email twitter and LinkedIn platforms.
    • Online publicity campaign (commencing in August) to over 300 named journalists. Previous year’s entrants targeted in each category.
    • Branding on IBP Journalism Awards sponsors website page/Awards Bulletins (through to July 2017 inclusive).
    • Listing and logo on all entry material (July to November inclusive).
    • Use of IBP Awards logo on hosts stationery and email header.
    • IBP website link to hosts website.
    • Listing and logo on material circulated to all magazines/newspapers (in August).
    • Listing and logo on online dinner details and ticket application forms.
    • Mention in external pre and post promotion and publicity.
    • A table for ten people at the Awards dinner to include a minimum of three nominated journalists in each category plus a category judge, together with six guests of your choice. Total ten people. Tables can be increased to accommodate 12 people.
    • Three course dinner with wine/water.
    • Logo on table, menu, presentation stage set, category section and evening Awards Bulletin.
    • Senior executive from host organisation to join guest speaker on stage and present cheque to winning editor/journalist.
    • Mention in category introduction on the night.
    • Listing and logo on on-line Awards Bulletin and evening Awards presentation video.
    • Networking opportunities with journalists and guests at the pre-dinner reception.
    • Post Awards drinks reception
    • Mention of sponsor in category winner’s publication. (NB: while this is more of less beyond the control of the Awards organisers, individual press releases are prepared, for each category, to include the host and are sent to the news editor to reach publication the morning following the Awards dinner).
    • Photographs of the winner with host sent electronically to publications and host the next morning.
    • Inclusion on the IBP website Awards news section throughout 2016/17, after which news links are transferred to the archive section.


    Click Awards in the main navigation menu and choose the year in the dropdown to access previous years Awards Bulletin and events.


    The 2016 Awards Presentation Dinner will take place on Thursday 01st December

    at the Four Seasons Hotel, Park Lane, London. The Awards section of the evening will be hosted by Peter Murray, chairman, London Festival of Architecture; the Awards will be presented by guest speaker, Peter Wynne Rees CBE, Professor of Places & City Planning, UCL Faculty of the Built Environment.

    Examples of the printed marketing material and branding opportunities can be sent on request. Last years Awards Bulletin and recorded highlights of the speakers and Awards presentations can be viewed on: https://ibp.org.uk/ibp-journalism-awards-2015-full-results-nominations-and-entries/

    The host sponsorship package is £3,000.00 plus VAT. In addition, the host presents their company cheque for £500.00 to the winner in their category.


    Currently the following categories are available:

    Feature Writer of the Year

    Commercial Property Writer of the Year

    Multi-Media Journalist of the Year


    In addition, there are opportunities to brand the pre-dinner and post Awards receptions.


    Contact Gerald Bowey on 0771 348 9390 or email: gerald@geraldbowey.co.uk

    to discuss these options


    August 2016


    Download PDF

    Employment advice by Media Contacts for Employers


    Interviewing Candidates


    The interview process should enable you to fully assess the competencies of a candidate for a particular role. The best way to do this is by conducting a prepared and well-structured interview. Remember it is essential to conduct interviews that demonstrate the professionalism of your business and put your candidate at ease so that they can give the best account of themselves.


    • Tiered interviews are key to filling a role, as each stage will give you more information about any prospective candidate and whether they fit your role. You should conduct at least two interviews to ensure you get all the required information you need. These can be conducted through different ways, e.g. face to face, over the phone or through Skype. Remember screening candidates is essential when hiring for a role. Therefore evaluate which interview type works best for each of stage of the process, to ensure that you can make a fully informed decision on who is the best person for your job.
    • Thoroughly read through the candidate’s CV prior to the interview, making notes on what stands out, and what you would like to know more about. Failure to do this could lead to an ineffective interview and consequently an unsuitable person being selected for your vacancy. Candidates also tend to be unimpressed if it seems like the employer has not prepared.
    • Build rapport between you and the interviewee via shared interests or experiences. This can help “break the ice” with a candidate and boost their confidence levels so that they give the very best of themselves. It also shows a warmer, more personal side of the company.
    • When conducting a second interview, refer to your notes from the previous meeting. This will ensure you don’t cover old ground and will allow you to ask further pertinent questions you were not able to in the initial interview.


    • Set an agenda and let the candidate know exactly what the interview will involve.
    • Use an interview strategy to increase the effectiveness of your questioning. For example Media Contacts’ staff use competency based interviewing to best assess candidates, and this also helps to encourage diversity.
    • Paying close attention to your candidates’ characteristics and personality types, and adjusting your own behaviour to reflect this. This helps to put the candidates at ease.
    • Remember to sum up the interview and advise the interviewee of when they can expect to hear from you for a follow-up discussion
    • After all stages, if you feel unsure, invite the candidate to a social evening with the team, to see how the dynamics work between current employees. Observing their behaviour can determine whether they will fit in well with the culture of your company.

    Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

    IBP Communication Preferences

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      Graham Ridout remembered

      Peter Bill, author and journalist, former editor Estates Gazette and Building magazine writes:

      Graham was ‘Uncle Grumpy’ to his colleagues at Building. A nickname that captured the feelings off all who worked with a much-loved man whose irascibility never got close to covering his kindliness, gentleness and generosity. I remember him making a wooden window from scratch for a penurious sub-editor.

      He was my first boss in journalism. I can see him now at Contract Journal in the early 1980’s, fag centred in mouth, hunched over a typewriter, squinting through the smoke at his copy, cursing his mistakes. (Those were days when you needed Tippex to make changes.) Then we would go to the pub and curse our employers.

      At Building, in the late 1980’s, we were overpaying an outside firm of architects to produce fortnightly ‘on-site’ articles. Much better to have a trained engineer in-house, one who had worked on building sites. Graham’s maturity and experience gifting him the ability to establish rapport with nervous site managers. He would nod encouragingly as he half-whispered questions, half- apologising for asking. A style that teased out tales you would never find anywhere near a press release.

      To know Graham was to be fond of Graham.

      Andrew Pring, writer, editor and communications consultant, former editor Contract Journal writes:

      What I remember most is how incredibly hard working and painstaking Graham was as a journalist, and how patient – until, that is, he exploded into a titanic rage when people’s idiocies (generally management’s) got all too much for him. We’d laugh about it in the pub afterwards, but he could get seriously worked up and I often thought his stress levels were too high for anyone’s good – but he got that way because he took his job seriously and wanted to do his very best each time he worked on something. A lovely bloke, and also very kind and thoughtful. Someone you could always rely on to watch your back.

      Gerald Bowey, CEO IBP remembers:

      A civil engineering graduate of Sheffield University Graham was an award winning journalist, being shortlisted for a IBP journalism award on several occasions and winning Technology Writer in 1988, Project Management Writer in 1990 and Building Journalist in 1996.

      I first met Graham in the early 1980’s when I took over the role of director of The Campaign for Traditional Housing from Charles Knevitt, who had just moved on to The Times as their architecture correspondent. It was a controversial campaign, taking an industry dispute between the brick and block manufacturers and the timber frame housebuilders to the general public. Graham was a tough critic of the campaign but acknowledged the right of house buyers to know and understand how their home was built.

      When I moved into PR and Graham to Building I remember well standing in the middle of a stone quarry with Graham pitching into the chairman of London Stone when the company had fallen on hard times and was seeking a buyer – I think I lost the account after the article appeared, but it was a great expose of failed management.

      We remained good friends, he was one of IBP’s honorary auditors for several years, and we met for an annual lunch right up to last year. Graham was generous with his time and support for friends and to IBP, which will be greatly missed.

      Denise Chevin, freelance editor and writer, former editor Building magazine writes:

      I remember with such affection my days working with Graham. I was an eager rookie technical reporter who didn’t know a lintel from a lentil. As my boss, Graham was hugely encouraging and endlessly patient. And when I got chuntered at by the subdesk, as I invariably did, for being late with my copy on Friday evening, he would have a calming G&T or two waiting for me at the ‘Waterfront’, Building’s watering hole in South Quay. They were lovely days. I feel very lucky to have met Graham and to have worked with him.

      IBP National Journalism Awards 2022 Judges

      The IBP Journalism Awards are judged by a panel of influential journalists and professionals drawn from across the industry. A huge thank you to all of this year’s judges:

      • Adrian Barrick – Group editorial director, Incisive Media. Former editor, Building
      • Dr. Barbara Rowlands – Media consultant and educator. Former Associate Professor in Journalism, City, University of London
      • Caroline Thorpe – Freelance journalist
      • David Taylor – Editor of NLQ, New London Weekly & Velocity Magazine. Strategic consultant, ING Media
      • Denise Chevin MBE – Freelance editor and journalist. Former editor, Building
      • Dominic Morgan – Director, Ing media. Former deputy editor, Property Week
      • Emma Maier – Freelance editor and publishing consultant. Former editor Inside Housing
      • Giles Barrie – Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting. Former editor of Property Week & Deputy Editor of Building
      • James Whitmore – Director, Tavistock. Former executive editor, Property Week
      • John Slaughter – Director of Industry Affairs, Home Builders Federation
      • Katherine Smale – Business Development Manager, Ferrovial. Former technical journalist, New Civil Engineer
      • Kunle Barker – Group Chairman, Studio Anyo. Presenter & Curator, Grand Designs Live
      • Mike Leonard – CEO, Building Alliance
      • Nick Duxbury – Group Creative Lead, Redwood BBDO. Former executive editor, Inside Housing
      • Phin Harper – Chief Executive, Open City and columnist at Dezeen. Former deputy editor, The Architectural Review
      • Rebecca Evans – Director of Impact and Communications, Revealing Reality. Former editor, Construction News
      • Richard Northedge – Finance writer. Former editor, Sunday Business.
      • Sarah Richardson – Group Editor, Research Professional News. Former editor, Building.
      • Tim Danton – Director, Danton Media, Consultant to Dennis Publishing
      • Vanessa Norwood – Architecture curator and consultant
      • Yasmin Jones-Henry – Cities Strategist – Culture & Place, ING Media