IBP National Journalism Awards 2022

Closing date: Wednesday 14 September 2022

The IBP Journalism Awards 2022 took place on 17 November 2022. You can view the results on our new awards website.

Entry information

These awards recognise the very best journalism in property and the built environment and have become a benchmark for excellence. They are judged by a panel of influential journalists and industry professionals drawn from the built environment.

The awards categories are:

Architectural Writer
Construction/Infrastructure Writer
News Reporter of the Year
Feature Writer of the Year
Business/Financial Journalist of the Year
Housing/Residential Property Journalist of the Year
New Journalist of the Year
Digital Leadership of the Year
Editorial Brand of the Year
Scoop of the Year
IBP Journalist of the Year


Entry guidance

  • Journalists may enter as many categories as they wish, although the same article cannot be submitted for more than one category.
  • All articles should have been published in the twelve-month period ending 31 August 2022.
  • Only one entry consisting of three articles is allowed per category from the same journalist. Each category entry must be accompanied by a completed entry form and three different articles/news stories published in the year ending 31 August 2022. The articles may have been published online or in print or both.
  • Entry forms must have the full details, including contacts, of the journalist whose work is being entered. If the articles are not by-lined, confirmation of authorship from the editor should also be included in the entry form.
  • A portfolio of three articles by more than one journalist may be submitted; each article must be by-lined by two or more writers and the names of at least two contributors must be common to no less than two articles, although not necessarily in the same combination.
  • All entries may be accompanied by an explanation, maximum 200 words for each article, maximum 600 words for the entry. This is only mandatory for those categories marked with an asterisk below.
  • All articles in each category must relate to the architecture, civil engineering, construction, commercial property and housing/residential sectors. Articles published in house journals/newsletters etc are not eligible.


IBP Journalism Award categories

Architectural Writer of the Year
Open to architectural writers who observe and report upon events and issues within the world of architecture. Equally entries are welcome from architectural critics that demonstrate the vital link between the art of architecture and society's understanding of it, providing a deeper, broader understanding of architecture as a significant force for change.

Construction/Infrastructure Writer of the Year
Entries in this category can consist of news and/or features in construction, infrastructure, utilities, civil engineering and transportation sectors.

News Reporter of the Year*
Entries in this category should be accompanied by an explanation of no more than 200 words per article, 600 words per entry, giving the background to the three articles submitted. For example, you may wish to explain that the story was an 'exclusive' or that the degree of research or teamwork required to produce the story was of particular merit.

Feature Writer of the Year*
Entries for this category should be accompanied by an explanation of no more than 200 words per article, 600 words per entry, outlining the articles' relevance to current issues in the construction/property industry. This category also allows for a series of articles (no more than three) on the same subject over two or more issues of a publication.

Business/Financial Journalist
This category is applicable to any aspect of the built environment. The award particularly seeks to recognise journalists writing business or financial stories. The judges will look for articles that demonstrate an overall understanding of the sector, subject, financing and the needs of their readers.

Commercial Property Writer
The judges are looking for entries that cover any aspect of commercial property, including offices, shops and warehousing. Topics could include new projects, redevelopments, market trends, valuations or people involved and might break news or improve the readers' understanding.

Housing & Residential Property Journalist of the Year
This category seeks to recognise journalists writing about the process of all forms of housing development including policy, land, design and reconstruction and/or sales, marketing and management issues for all forms of residential property.

New Journalist of the Year
Journalists entering this category should have no more than two years’ experience in the sectors covered by the awards to the year ending 31 August 2022, (verified by a letter from your editor). Entries should demonstrate good research, investigative style and bold subjects representative of the built environment across all the award categories.

Digital Leadership of the Year
This award is for an individual who has shown leadership in the way that they use digital communications. They will have gone beyond simply writing good stories and promoting them by social media; they will show how they have made more of their stories through, for example, data analysis or the use of other media such as podcasts or video. The judges are particularly looking for an innovative approach and for digital enhancement of already excellent pieces of work in imaginative ways.

Entrants should provide links to three pieces of work, showing how they used digital leadership. They should support their entry with appropriate measurement of engagement statistics, publicity generated or other metrics.

Please note: This is an award for individual enterprise, and not for initiatives by brands. These should enter Editorial Brand of the Year – see below.

Editorial Brand of the Year
This award recognises the brand that really stands out as a beacon of excellence in any or all formats. The judges are looking for evidence of a complete understanding of the needs of the target audience, a strong commercial performance, outstanding editorial content and design, and constant innovation in responding to the changing dynamics of the brand’s market.

To support this category entry the editor should select any three issues, if applicable, and provide three front-cover scans and, complementary to the chosen editions, a minimum of one feature and one breaking news article (a maximum of three articles can be submitted – including articles entered in the individual categories – in support of each issue). Alternatively, a link to a page turner edition (maximum three issues) can be submitted to support the entry and/or accessible links to digital material which should clearly demonstrate the use of research, choice and range of subjects, photography, design, layout, video and audio.

The editor should include a statement clearly outlining why they believe the multi-platform approach has substantially covered the market sector during the year ending 31 August 2022, with investigative reporting, features and news stories.

Scoop of the Year
This category rewards an outstanding piece of journalism that broke news with a big impact within the built environment sector. Consideration will be given to the relative significance of the story and the journalist's skill in obtaining the story and the information to support it. Stories can be broken on any platform and can be a straight news story or an investigative feature. Entrants should demonstrate proof of the story's exclusivity in the form of speed to market compared with rival coverage.

Candidates should accompany their article with a completed entry form and a statement of 300 words explaining:

  • The significance of the story to the publication's readership
  • How the story was obtained, researched and developed

Candidates should also provide evidence of:

  • The impact the story had on the built environment sector
  • Follow up by rival media
    Speed to market relative to those follow ups. This could be in the form of screen shots showing time and/or date of publication; credit for the story given in other dated publications; written explanations highlighting how the text of the story shows it to be an exclusive (eg, direct, original quotes from an interviewee that were paraphrased in coverage elsewhere).

IBP Journalist of the Year
This award will be judged from the winning entries in the individual Journalist/Writer of the Year categories.


How to enter

Download the entry form here and then submit your completed entry form, along with your supporting articles to ibpjournalismawards@gmail.com

All entries should be submitted as PDFs, including links to online stories, digital editions etc. If there is a website paywall, please provide at least four guest logins to allow the judges to access your work.

Please ensure the size of the email is under 10MB or please send an email with links to download your submission using WeTransfer, Dropbox or other file transfer service.

You will receive a confirmation email that we’ve received your submission. If you do not receive this within three working days, please contact ibpjournalismawards@gmail.com


Cost and payment

The prices are as follows:

  • Editor and Journalist rate:
    Single entry: £100 + VAT (£20) = £120
    Multiple entries, all categories: £60 + VAT (£12) = £72 per entry
  • Freelance Journalist rate:
    Single entry: £50 + VAT (£10) = £60
    Multiple entries, all categories: £30 + VAT (£6) = £36 per entry

Please pay for your entry via PayPal below. You can also request an invoice by emailing us.

IBP Journalism Award Entries

Shortlisting and awards

There will be one winner in each category and, in addition, some journalists may be highly commended.

The individual winner in each category will receive £500.

A shortlisting event will take place online on Thursday 13 October at 11am where the shortlists in each category will be announced. There will be up to six on the shortlist for each category.

The awards announcement and celebration will take place at IET Savoy Place on Thursday 17 November 2022. We hope that all shortlisted journalists and brands will attend, and will bring their friends and supporters.


Conditions of entry

  • Entries should conform to the rules of submission with regard to length of text and content etc.
  • The entrant must agree that the entry will remain in place on the IBP hosting server for an indeterminate period. Any content in submissions can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.
  • Entries must be submitted and paid for using PayPal by Wednesday 14 September at 6pm at the latest.
  • The entry must remain legible when printed. Therefore, we suggest avoiding the use of ‘background’ images.
  • For ease of identification, the pdf file name must contain the award category, the entrant’s name and company name or project title if applicable.
  • The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP website when reporting on the awards.
  • The judges’ decisions are final.


Questions about entries or payment

If you have questions or problems, please contact ibpjournalismawards@gmail.com


Executive Board Report 2019/20

Harriett Hindmarsh, Chair of IBP and Gerald Bowey, CEO, ibp Services share the direction of travel for 2020.

Celebrating Success

This report, like so many things we take for granted, has changed in its key messages since we have all been affected by the fall out of the Covid-19 virus. We started our fiftieth year in good order and even better spirits with over a 120 members celebrating the landmark anniversary with a musical appreciation of the past five decades – A Musical Construction – which offered a rare and possibly the last opportunity for younger members to meet some of the surviving early trail blazing founders,

Perhaps the message. received from Brian Daniels, chairman in 1982 while heading the corporate affairs team at Redland, best sums up the feeling on the night: “It is wonderful that IBP has reached its fifth decade, As a member 50 years ago I am amazed how the various boards and committees have made IBP into the highly professional organisation it is today.”

A copy of the evenings programme can be view on the website, go to the menu: Downloads, Social Events.

50th Anniversary discussion – ‘Can Traditional Media cut it with Generation Z’

IBP and FTI Consulting staged the highly successful `Can Traditional Media cut it with Generation Z’ as part of IBP’s  50th anniversary celebrations, with the ambition of understanding how traditional media brands are winning new followers.

Chaired by Giles Barrie, Managing Director, FTI Real Estate team and former editor of Property Week introduced the Guest of Honour, Times Business Editor and former Property Week reporter Richard Fletcher and a panellist for the evening seminar held at FTI Consulting’s City of London office and attended by 100 guests. Other panellists, representing a new crop of journalist and communicators included Josh Spencer, Social Media Journalist, The Economist, City University graduate 2018, Ella Jessel, senior reporter, The Architects’ Journal and IBP Young Journalist 2018 together with IBP Young Communicator 2018 and FTI Director, Ellie Perham-Marchant explained how they are appealing to newer readers through a range of digital strategies, including Snapchat and Instagram combined with good-old fashioned news-getting and investigative journalism. This in turn poses new challenges for the communications world, as they interact with journalists posting on new platforms in real time.

The event was recorded and is available on the IBP website: https://ibp.org.uk/videogallery/can-traditional-media-cut-it-with-gen-z/ 

Futures Group – ‘Writing brilliant features with the FT and Wired’

The final Futures Group of 2019 took place on 9th December. Titled ‘Writing brilliant features with the FT and Wired’, the event was held in collaboration with City University and sponsored by Trilogy Property, hosted at their recently completed development, Republic, at East India Dock.

The event proved to be highly popular, with over 150 attendees ranging from students from City University to editors and journalists from built environment B2B titles together with architecture and property correspondents from the national media

Prior to the presentation, attendees had the opportunity to network and it was great to see so many new faces. For many of the student attendees, this event was the first time they had come across IBP.

The proceedings were kicked off by Nick Duxbury, Group Creative Lead at Redwood BBDO, followed by a warm welcome from the event host, Robert Wolstenholme, Founder and CEO, Trinity Property.

Three top feature writers were on the panel: Emma Jacobs, Features Writer at The FT, Matt Reynolds, Science Editor at Wired and Martin Fletcher, Freelance Features Writer for the Times, FT, Telegraph and New Statesman. Each speaker gave practical advice on feature writing and highlighted why some of their most well-read articles were particularly successful. This was followed by a Q&A from a highly engaged audience, and many stayed back afterwards to ask for further advice from the panel.

The event was recorded and is available on the IBP website: https://ibp.org.uk/videogallery/ibp-futures-group-2019/ 

Journalism Awards

We ended 2019 with an outstanding crop of awards, presented by Nick Ferrari, for both Journalists and PR Practitioners in a special joint event to reflect and celebrate our memberships best work. The full report can be found on the homepage with links to the awards bulletin. Special awards for Outstanding Contribution, over their careers, were presented to veteran editor, journalist and author Peter Bill and North West PR guru Clare Moody, bringing a very successful and enjoyable year to a close.

First Futures Group Webinar

In 2020 we held our first webinar, in association with City, University of London, with an outstanding panel of national journalists on the fallout from the Covid-19 Government briefings. They shared their candid views on government press officers toeing the departmental ministers line to hide the truth from “prying” journalists: https://mediaspace.city.ac.uk/playlist/dedicated/1_glbdffox

As each of us strive to regain a semblance of normal life and rebuild relationships IBP is working on this year’s journalism awards. Having celebrated 50 years of activity our focus continues to be to support journalists and good journalism. Now, more than ever, members should get involved and shape the organisation for the future needs of the built environment media and communications profession as we all emerge from isolation and plan for future growth. IBP’s clear message to members is to support each other by Celebrating Success.

I can only end by echoing Brian Daniel’s comments, I am amazed at how the members of the board continue to work tirelessly to encourage, support and reward outstanding journalism and communications in the built environment. Equally we are fortunate that our sponsors appreciate the role of IBP in delivering the annual awards and for their support in hosting categories.

Gerald Bowey
CEO, ibp Services

For AGM Papers click here

ibp National Journalism Awards 2018 – Sponsorship Details


Each host receives the following sponsorship benefits:

  • On signing of host support announcements to entire membership data base, including email, twitter and LinkedIn platforms.
  • Online publicity campaign (commencing in June 2018) to over 300 named journalists. Previous year’s entrants targeted in each category.
  • Branding on IBP Journalism Awards sponsors website page/Awards Bulletins (through to June 2019 inclusive).
  • Listing and logo on all entry and Awards material (July to December 2018 inclusive).
  • Use of IBP Awards logo on hosts stationery and email header.
  • IBP website link to sponsors website.
  • Listing and logo on material circulated to all magazines/newspapers (August to December 2018).
  • Listing and logo on online dinner details and ticket application forms.
  • Mention in external pre and post promotion and publicity.
  • A table for ten people at the Awards dinner (in the Ballroom) to include a minimum of three and a maximum of 6 nominated journalists in (each) category plus a category judge, together with three guests of your choice. Total ten people. Tables can be increased to accommodate 12 people.
  • Three course dinner with wine/water.
  • Logo on table, menu, presentation stage set, category section and evening Awards Bulletin.
  • Senior executive from host organisation to join guest speaker on stage and present cheque to winning editor/journalist.
  • Mention in category introduction on the night.
  • Listing and logo on on-line Awards Bulletin and evening Awards presentation video. (Awards Bulletin goes ‘live’ the following morning, the video is available to view the following week).
  • Networking opportunities with journalists and guests at the pre-dinner reception, with drinks and canapes. Each sponsor will be provided with their own meeting point ‘tall table’ in the Pine and Oak Rooms, with a logo above their table
  • Post Awards drinks reception. Complimentary bar until 22.00 hours.
  • Mention of sponsor in category winner’s publication. (NB: while this is more of less beyond the control of the Awards organisers, individual press releases and award presentation photographs, for each category, are sent to the news editor to reach all publication the morning following the Awards dinner).
  • Photographs of the winner with host sent electronically to winners and sponsors the next morning.
  • Inclusion on the IBP website Awards news section throughout 2018/19, after which news links are transferred to the ‘live’ archive section.

See www.ibp.org.uk Click Awards Awards section of the menu to access previous years Awards Bulletin and events.

The Journalism Awards Presentation dinner will take place on Thursday 29th November, with the Awards section of the evening hosted by Peter Murray, chairman, London Festival of Architecture. The Awards will be presented by a guest speaker, to be announced.

Examples of the printed marketing material and branding opportunities can be sent on request. Last years Awards Bulletin and recorded highlights of the speakers and Awards presentations can be viewed on the ibp website homepage video library link www.ibp.org.uk

The cost of a host sponsorship package for each Award category remains at £5,950.00 plus VAT.

In addition to the individual Award category sponsorship package there are opportunities to participate as an event host, including the pre-dinner and post Awards receptions. These elements are available for further discussion to help meet sponsors specific requiremen6s.

All details are correct at time of posting on the website.

March 2018

IBP Summer Party and Communication Awards 4 July 2018 – Ticket Application Form

Online Payment:
First fill out the application form below
And then click the link at the bottom of the confirmation message to make a payment
or click here: www.ibp.org.uk/online-payments/

    The IBP Awards Presentation Party 2018

    To include the presentation of the Communication and PR Awards

    on Wednesday 4th July 2018 at 6.30pm

    at All Bar One Ludgate Hill, 44-46 Ludgate Hill, corner of Old Bailey, London EC4M 7DE

    Award hosts: Rebecca Evans, Editor, Construction News, President IBP and Gerald Bowey.

    Awards presented by Katherine Smale, Technical Journalist, New Civil Engineer and 2016 New Journalist of the Year.

    Tickets £25 each + £5.00 VAT = £30.00 to include two buffet servings and a complementary bar throughout the evening.

    Tickets can be secured by filling in the form below and paying by PayPal or credit card payment


    Please fill out the following information

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    I wish to reserve     places The IBP Awards Presentation Party 2018 at All Bar One Ludgate Hill


    Company (required)


    Guest names (one per line)

    Payment can be made via our online payment system: www.ibp.org.uk/online-payments/

    Please send me an invoice YesNo

    Other Message

    To prove you are not a robot, please answer the question below

    Front Page


    It’s time to enter the IBP Journalism Awards 2024

    The 50th annual IBP Journalism Awards 2024 are now open for entries. These awards recognise the very best journalism in the property and construction sector and have become a benchmark for excellence.

    They are judged by a panel of influential journalists and industry professionals drawn from the built environment. Winners of the journalist categories will be awarded £500 and the overall winner will be named IBP Journalist of the Year.

    You can view the categories and submit your entry through our new awards website.

    The deadline to enter is Friday 6 September 2024 and we encourage entries from any journalist or media brand writing about the built environment.

    The award ceremony will take place on 21 November 2024 at The Building Centre in London.

    If you have any questions about the awards, please contact Cristie Hammond: ibpjournalismawards@gmail.com

    IBP National Journalism Awards 2022 – Winners Announced

    We are delighted to announce the winners of the 49th IBP National Journalism Awards 2022. The ceremony took place on Thursday 17 November at the IET Savoy Place in central London.

    IBP National Journalism Award 2022 winners:
    • Journalist of the Year: Will Ing, Architects’ Journal
    • Editorial Brand of the Year: Dezeen
    • New Journalist of the Year: Gráinne Cuffe, Inside Housing
    • Architectural Writer of the Year: Will Ing, Architects’ Journal
    • Business / Financial Journalist of the Year: Joshua Stein, Construction News
    • Construction / Infrastructure Journalist of the Year: Rob Horgan, New Civil Engineer
    • Feature Writer of the Year: Peter Apps, Inside Housing
    • Housing / Residential Property Journalist of the Year: Peter Apps, Inside Housing
    • News Reporter of the Year: Will Ing, Architects’ Journal
    • Scoop of the Year: Jack Simpson, Inside Housing

    IBP also gave a special ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Profession’ award to Oliver Shah, Associate Editor and Leader Writer at The Sunday Times.

    All of the winning articles are now presented in IBP’s new digital publication, the ‘Best Stories in Construction 2022’ – a must-read for anyone working in the built environment.

    Photos from the event, including shots of all the winners, social media graphics and more can be found on our Awards Hub.


    Executive Board Message 2021

    I think you will all agree that it has been quite a year, but hopefully we should see a return to something that is, if not normal, then closer to normal life as we begin to pick-up the pieces and engage with colleagues and face-to-face business challenges.

    The lockdown has given the IBP executive board a chance to reflect and review where we are as a membership organisation, and to look at how we might want to shape the role of the organisation going forward.

    The executive board has lots of ideas and you will hear more about these initiatives over the next months as we prepare for this year’s journalism awards. If you have any ideas that you would like to share with the board please let me know by email to: Harriett.Hindmarsh@aecom.com

    Harriett Hindmarsh
    Chair, IBP

    Click here for the AGM papers

    IBP Journalism Awards 2024 supporters

    We are delighted to announce our supporters for the IBP Journalism Awards 2024.

    Click here to find out more

    Oliver Shah – Outstanding Contribution

    IBP recognised the outstanding contribution of one of our industry’s most successful and respected journalists. Click here to read article.

    Clive Branson (1935-2022)

    An appreciation of the late Clive Branson by friends and former colleagues.

    Click here to read article

    Our tribute to Marcus Fairs

    IBP pays tribute to Marcus Fairs, editor of Dezeen, following the news of his death.

    Click here to read article

    IBP Annual National Journalism Awards 2021 – Winning Journalists’ citation

    Tony Travers to give 2021 Wren Talk’

    2021 Journalism Awards nominations

    Graham Ridout remembered

    Graham Ridout, award winning investigative journalist on Contract Journal and Building magazine was laid to rest on 7 June 2021.

    Click here to read article

    IBP National Journalism Awards 2020: Full results, awards bulletin and nominations

    To view details
    Click Here

    IBP Futures Group: Response and Responsibility – Video

    Response and Responsibility the full debate in individual speaker modules followed by the Q&A.

    Please click here

    Ibp 50th Anniversary Celebration Programme

    Built environment comms professional? Stand out by learning the science behind the art of communications

    Harriett-HindmarshHarriett Hindmarsh,
    Chair of the Board for IBP and Vice President, Global Marketing and Communications at AECOM. ​

    I’ve worked in the built environment industry as a communications professional for over 10 years and in that time I’ve seen the role evolve enormously.

    The post-recession world is incredibly dynamic and demanding with more and more pressure on resource and the need to be accountable, and in my opinion as professionals we need to acknowledge the way the profession is changing.

    Here are the major trends that you need be on top of if you want to thrive...


    About ibp

    International Building Press (ibp) is a membership organisation that brings together journalists and communications professionals involved in the construction, architecture, housing and property sectors.

    ibp provides its members with unparalleled opportunities to share experiences, network and further their careers through a calendar of events events link and two prestigious annual awards schemes.

    Membership is open to national, regional, business and technical journalists, press relations and communications professionals and to employees and freelancers alike. Current members include many of the best known professionals on the field

    Read More

    ibp Tweets

    ibp Supporters


    The Annual Wren Talk: ’Nicholas Barbon – the man who transformed London’

    Architectural writer and historian Jeremy Melvin gives this year’s talk on the colourful seventeenth century economist and financier, Nicholas Barbon, who turned property development into speculation and invented fire insurance.

    It was not worth his while to deal little; that a bricklayer could do‘ an admirer wrote of Wren’s contemporary Nicholas Barbon. This  assessment contains the key to how Barbon transformed London: he turned property development from an extension of construction (bricklaying) into fully fledged speculation — where it has been ever since.

    Barbon invented the concept of risk management through founding the first fire insurance company. His tracts, like ‘An Apology for the Builder’ and ‘Of Trade’, argued the benefits of continuous economic growth backed by expansion of credit. This led Karl Marx, with grudging approval, to make ‘Old Barbon’ the first economic authority he cited in Das Kapital.

    Jeremy Melvin was formerly consultant curator to the Royal Academy architecture programme, he is Programme Curator for the World Architecture Festival and a visiting professor at the Bartlett School of Architecture.

    The Talk and Q&A session will be chaired by Paul Finch, programme director of the World Architecture Festival and editorial director of the Architectural Review and Architects’ Journal.

    Limited tickets are available to attend in person at St Bride’s, Fleet Street, and the event will also be streamed live on YouTube. Click here to register:


    ibp National Journalism Awards 2017 – Sponsorship Details

    Each host receives the following benefits:

    • On signing of host support announcement to entire membership data base, including email, twitter and LinkedIn platforms.
    • Online publicity campaign (commencing in June 2017) to over 300 named journalists. Previous year’s entrants targeted in each category.
    • Branding on IBP Journalism Awards sponsors website page/Awards Bulletins (through to July 2018 inclusive).
    • Listing and logo on all entry material (July to December inclusive).
    • Use of IBP Awards logo on hosts stationery and email header.
    • IBP website link to sponsors website.
    • Listing and logo on material circulated to all magazines/newspapers (August to December 2017).
    • Listing and logo on online dinner details and ticket application forms.
    • Mention in external pre and post promotion and publicity.
    • A table for ten people at the Awards dinner to include a minimum of three nominated journalists in (each) category plus a category judge, together with six guests of your choice. Total ten people. Tables can be increased to accommodate 12 people.
    • Three course dinner with wine/water.
    • Logo on table, menu, presentation stage set, category section and evening Awards Bulletin.
    • Senior executive from host organisation to join guest speaker on stage and present cheque to winning editor/journalist.
    • Mention in category introduction on the night.
    • Listing and logo on on-line Awards Bulletin and evening Awards presentation video. (Awards Bulletin goes ‘live’ the following morning, the video is available to view the following week).
    • Networking opportunities with journalists and guests at the pre-dinner reception.
    • Post Awards drinks reception
    • Mention of sponsor in category winner’s publication. (NB: while this is more of less beyond the control of the Awards organisers, individual press releases and award presentation photographs, for each category, are sent to the news editor to reach all publication the morning following the Awards dinner).
    • Photographs of the winner with host sent electronically to sponsors the next morning.
    • Inclusion on the IBP website Awards news section throughout 2017/18, after which news links are transferred to the ‘live’ archive section.

    Click Awards and Archive Awards section of the menu to access previous years Awards Bulletin and events.

    The Journalism Awards Presentation dinner will take place on Thursday 30th November, with the Awards section of the evening hosted by Peter Murray, chairman, London Festival of Architecture. The Awards will be presented by guest speaker, Lord (Guy) Black of Brentwood, Executive Director, Telegraph Media Group, President of the London Press Club.

    Examples of the printed marketing material and branding opportunities can be sent on request. Last years Awards Bulletin and recorded highlights of the speakers and Awards presentations can be viewed on the ibp website homepage video library link www.ibp.org.uk

    The cost of a host sponsorship package for each Award category remains at £5,450.00 plus VAT.

    In addition to the individual Award category sponsorship package there are opportunities to participate as an event host, including the pre-dinner and post Awards receptions. These elements are available for further discussion to help meet sponsors specific requiremens.

    All details are correct at time of posting on the website.

    February 2017

    Download PDF

    IBP Journalism Awards 2020 – Sponsorship details

    Each host receives the following sponsorship benefits:

    • Host support announcements to entire membership data base, including email Alerts, twitter and LinkedIn platforms.
    • Online publicity campaign (commencing in June 2020) to over 300 named journalists. Previous year’s entrants targeted in each category.
    • Branding on IBP Journalism Awards sponsors website page/Awards Bulletins (through to June 2021 inclusive).
    • Listing and logo on all entry and Awards material (July to December 2020 inclusive)
    • Use of IBP Journalism Awards logo on hosts stationery and email header.
    • IBP website link to sponsors website.
    • Listing and logo on material circulated to all magazines/newspapers (August to December 2020).
    • Listing and logo on online dinner details and ticket application forms.
    • Mention in external pre and post promotion and publicity.
    • A table for 10 people at the Awards dinner to include a minimum of three and a maximum of six nominated journalists in sponsors category plus a category judge, together with three guests of your choice. Total 10 people. Tables can be increased to accommodate up to 12 people.
    • Three course dinner with wine/water.
    • Logo on meet and greet tables located in a dedicated reception area, dinner table, menu, presentation stage set, category section and evening Awards Bulletin.
    • Representative from host organisation to present cheque to winning editor/journalist, with photo opportunity.
    • Mention in category introduction on the night.
    • Listing and logo on online Awards Bulletin and evening Awards presentation video. (Awards Bulletin goes ‘live’ the following morning, the video is available to view the following week).
    • Networking opportunities with journalists and guests at the pre-dinner reception. Each sponsor will be provided with their own meeting point ‘tall table’ in a dedicated area, with a logo above their table
    • Post Awards drinks reception. Complimentary until 22.00 hours.
    • Mention of sponsor in category winner’s publication. (NB: while this is more of less beyond the control of the Awards organisers, individual press releases and award presentation photographs, for each category, are sent to the news editor to reach all publication the morning following the Awards dinner).
    • Photographs of the winner with host sent electronically to winners and sponsors the next morning.
    • Inclusion on the IBP website Awards news section throughout 2020/21, after which news links are transferred to the ‘live’ archive section of the website.

    Click the Awards and Archive Awards section of the main navigation menu to access previous year’s Awards Bulletin and events.

    The Journalism Awards Presentation dinner will take place on Thursday 19th  November at the Leonardo Royal hotel at St Paul’s, London  and will be hosted by a leading national media personality.



    For 2020, we believe additional measures should be taken to highlight the prestige of the Journalism Awards, and to honour the people who make these awards a reality. An enhanced social media marketing campaign, which will run in the lead up to the event and beyond, will give sponsors the recognition for supporting the work of individual journalists and the built environment media.

    Launching across digital and traditional channels, the social media marketing campaign is an unmissable opportunity for sponsors to capitalise on a new platform for exposure, not just on the day of the awards, but for the full lifecycle of the campaign, pre- and post-event.

    The planned social media marketing campaign will treat the Journalism Awards with the respect, attention and care a modern event of its stature deserves and is designed to build excitement and anticipation in the weeks and months leading up to the awards presentations.



    This year’s edition of the Journalism Awards will be a thoroughly modern affair, with the development of an enhanced digital layer. This virtual version will run alongside the traditional event and will allow the awards to not just forge ahead but thrive in the face of the challenge posed by COVID-19 legislation.

    With the implementation of both the digital layer and the social media marketing campaign, there has truly never been more options and opportunities for sponsors to consider. As well as posing an exciting initiative in itself  the digital layer presents a completely new platform to be capitalised on for branding and sponsorship purposes.

    We have partnered with leaders in the industry of virtual events – Live Group –  to deliver this digital layer, who will produce this cutting-edge solution.

    Functionally, the digital layer will provide a place to watch the Journalism Awards online if you are unable to attend the event itself. It will also be the home for pre- and post-event content, and a place to network during the event, wherever you may be.



    Examples of the printed marketing material and branding opportunities can be sent on request. Last year’s Awards Bulletin and recorded highlights can be viewed on the IBP website homepage video library link www.ibp.org.uk

    The cost of a host sponsorship package for each Award category remains at last year’s rate of £5,500.00 plus VAT.

    In addition to the individual Award category sponsorship packages there are opportunities to participate as an event host, including the pre-dinner and post Awards receptions. These elements are available for further discussion to help meet sponsors specific requirements.

    All details are correct at time of posting on the website.


    March 2020



    Employment Advice by Media Contacts for Candidates


    Interview Preparation Tips


    Interviews often make people feel a lot of undue pressure to ensure they get everything “right”. To boost your confidence and give the very best of yourself, remember to prepare and practice. Have a read of the tips below and make sure you incorporate them into your next interview presentation.


    • Consider the duration of the journey to interview

    Ensure that you have a main route planned and a backup in case of any travel disruptions.

    • Dress in the appropriate attire

    Whether you must dress formally or smart casual, wearing the required attire will make a good impression to the employer as well as making you feel more relaxed, producing confidence within the interview

    • Research

    Conduct some research and understand the required skills and ambitions of the company, compare them to your own and see how you can mention these in your interview.

    • Prepare questions to ask

    Prepare questions to ask your employer to show your interest in the role and the employer. Although they are interviewing you this also a chance to discuss with the employer and ask them questions to find out more information regarding the role/company.

    • Prepare answers to general questions

    Prepare answers to common interview questions that you may be asked, allowing yourself to have something basic prepared, which you can then expand on with further, directly relevant detail. Sample interview questions can be found at: http://www.media-contacts.co.uk/candidates/interview-advice/questions-they-might-ask-you/

    • Arrive preferably 5 minutes early

    Being on time sets a good example to the employer as it highlights that you are punctual. Giving yourself time to calm your nerves and read over some notes to prepare for the interview. Do not arrive more than 5 minutes early though, as you may inconvenience the employer.

    Key points for the interview:

    • Give a firm handshake
    • Have good posture
    • Speak about the company background (history, staff, company values and goals)
    • Smile and have positive facial expressions
    • Keep eye contact
    • Have confidence in your answers
    • Mention key articles or blogs that relate to the industry


    Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

    ibp National Journalism Awards 2017 – Sponsorship Details

    Each host receives the following benefits:

    • On signing of host support announcement to entire membership data base, including email, twitter and LinkedIn platforms.
    • Online publicity campaign (commencing in June 2017) to over 300 named journalists. Previous year’s entrants targeted in each category.
    • Branding on IBP Journalism Awards sponsors website page/Awards Bulletins (through to July 2018 inclusive).
    • Listing and logo on all entry material (July to December inclusive).
    • Use of IBP Awards logo on hosts stationery and email header.
    • IBP website link to sponsors website.
    • Listing and logo on material circulated to all magazines/newspapers (August to December 2017).
    • Listing and logo on online dinner details and ticket application forms.
    • Mention in external pre and post promotion and publicity.
    • A table for ten people at the Awards dinner to include a minimum of three nominated journalists in (each) category plus a category judge, together with six guests of your choice. Total ten people. Tables can be increased to accommodate 12 people.
    • Three course dinner with wine/water.
    • Logo on table, menu, presentation stage set, category section and evening Awards Bulletin.
    • Senior executive from host organisation to join guest speaker on stage and present cheque to winning editor/journalist.
    • Mention in category introduction on the night.
    • Listing and logo on on-line Awards Bulletin and evening Awards presentation video. (Awards Bulletin goes ‘live’ the following morning, the video is available to view the following week).
    • Networking opportunities with journalists and guests at the pre-dinner reception.
    • Post Awards drinks reception
    • Mention of sponsor in category winner’s publication. (NB: while this is more of less beyond the control of the Awards organisers, individual press releases and award presentation photographs, for each category, are sent to the news editor to reach all publication the morning following the Awards dinner).
    • Photographs of the winner with host sent electronically to sponsors the next morning.
    • Inclusion on the IBP website Awards news section throughout 2017/18, after which news links are transferred to the ‘live’ archive section.

    Click Awards and Archive Awards section of the menu to access previous years Awards Bulletin and events.

    The Journalism Awards Presentation dinner will take place on Thursday 30th November, with the Awards section of the evening hosted by Peter Murray, chairman, London Festival of Architecture. The Awards will be presented by guest speaker, Lord (Guy) Black of Brentwood, Executive Director, Telegraph Media Group, President of the London Press Club.

    Examples of the printed marketing material and branding opportunities can be sent on request. Last years Awards Bulletin and recorded highlights of the speakers and Awards presentations can be viewed on the ibp website homepage video library link www.ibp.org.uk

    The cost of a host sponsorship package for each Award category remains at £5,450.00 plus VAT.

    In addition to the individual Award category sponsorship package there are opportunities to participate as an event host, including the pre-dinner and post Awards receptions. These elements are available for further discussion to help meet sponsors specific requiremens.

    All details are correct at time of posting on the website.

    February 2017

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