In response to requests all entries will be self-hosted online. Entrants should provide links to their entry, which will make the entry process more flexible.
• Entries should conform to the rules of submission with regard to length of text and content etc.
• The submissions should be hosted on a platform provided by the entrant (eg part of a company web site or server)
• A single link (url) to the submission should be provided. It is the entrant’s responsibility to make sure the link is secure and will not be easily accessible by the public or other entrants.
• The entry should remain in place on the hosting server for at least a year
• The format of the entry can either be a web-based micro-site, a pdf or other document or presentation which can be readable on any platform (eg a flash presentation or powerpoint). A web micro-site would be the preferred option for maximum accessibility and ease of viewing.
• The entry must be capable of being printed off. To this end we suggest avoiding the use of ‘background’ images in web pages.
• For ease of identification, the link url must contain the entrants name and publication if applicable.
• It would be advisable to exclude the url from being searched by robots and possibly listed by Google. This is normally done using the robots.txt or .htaccess file on the hosting platform – please consult your web developer for more information.
• The entrant is responsible for the accessibility of the submission at all times particularly during the judging period
• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.