Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Diversity at all levels in organisations builds strong foundations for long-term success, in both the private and the public sector. Making good use of the talent, skills and experience of all drives better corporate performance and creates a healthy, motivating working environment for employees. Equal opportunity is key to having a meritocratic, fair environment. Here are some concepts which managers should bear in mind regarding workplace diversity and equal opportunity:

  • Diversity is as important within the workplace just as much as it is outside of work. The aim is to have a workforce that will be truly representative of all sections of society, and to create an environment where each employee feels respected.
  • A diverse workforce is important as it not only makes employees feel at ease, allowing them to do their job more effectively. It manifests in a company’s culture, which in the long run can have an impact on the reputation of the business.
  •  Discrimination and victimisation should be treated as disciplinary offences and dealt with immediately under your Company Disciplinary Procedure. Make sure all staff are aware of your company’s diversity policies and disciplinary procedures.
  •  When creating policies on diversity, remember that they should be designed to inspire rather than restrict. Leaders must understand and believe in the value of diversity, and help this mindset flow throughout the organisation’s structure and culture, influencing employees.
  • A template diversity policy can be found at: https://www.rocketlawyer.co.uk/documents-and-forms/equal-opportunities-policy.rl#

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