Closing date: Friday 10 September 2021
The IBP Awards were established 48 years ago to encourage and reward excellence in journalism in the built environment. Over this period the Awards have establiushed a benchmark to which 'new' journaliusts to the sector can aspire,
IBP will host your entry, to enter you simply format your three pieces of work and any comments into a single pdf and follow the instructions in the Guidance Notes.
For the second year, in response to Covid-19 restrictions, IBP is offering publications a discount of 30% on the cost of entries and freelance and recently made redundant journalists complimentary entry - if received by Friday 10th September.
You can use stories from a mix of platforms – print, online, or broadcast or from a single source, and submit them with your completed entry form and support material in the online templates provided.
The range of awards offers an opportunity for editors, journalists and brands to showcase the breadth of their work and influence in the built environment.
I urge you to pitch your best work against that of your colleagues and competitors to secure the recognition that your work deserves.
Before proceeding, please read the entry instructions, particularly the guidance notes and category information by clicking the buttons below.
I wish you the best of luck with your entries.
Gerald Bowey
Chairman, Awards Judging
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