Sample CV template


A CV is your first chance to make a great impression on any prospective employer. Below are some handy pointers that can help you create the most effective CV to highlight your skills, knowledge, abilities and interests.

What to keep consistent:

  • Font

Keeping your font consistent throughout makes CVs look smart and professional, all text should be the same font and size, except for headings which should stand out to

  • Bullet points

Make sure these do not vary, use one shape for main bullet points, and sub-bullets should be another shape to make each point clear. Bullet points should be in line with each other to create an organised CV.

  • Spacing

Spacing on a CV provides clarity of structure, making it obvious when points and sections are new as they are separate. Line spacing options should be set to 0, as this also maximises space and prevents your CV from overflowing onto multiple pages.

General CV Layout:

  • Personal profile
    • What industry you work in
    • Overview of experience/skills
  • Education
    • Ascending order - dates
    • Institution name
    • Subjects and grades
  • Experience
    • Ascending order – dates
    • Name of company and title/position of role
    • Description of what the company does, plus the products or accounts you work on
    • Key responsibilities
    • Main achievements
    • Skills developed
  • Additional Skills
    • Languages
    • Training courses attended
    • Knowledge of any software
  • Interests

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