• Entries should conform to the rules of submission with regard to length of text and content etc.
• The submissions should be sent as a pdf file no larger than 20mb.
• PDF files should be submitted using a file transfer service of the entrant’s choice, such as the following:
The email recipient of the file should be addressed to the ibp webmaster who will upload the files to the ibp judging process.
• The entrant must agree that the entry will remain in place on the ibp hosting server for an indeterminate period.
• The pdf should not contain any embedded CAD drawings unless the drawings are converted to jpg format first.
• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.
• The entry must be capable of being printed off. To this end we suggest avoiding the use of ‘background’ images.
• For ease of identification, the pdf file name url must contain the entrants name and company name or project title if applicable.
• The entrant must agree that any content in their submission can be used by IBP in subsequent publicity or on the IBP web site when reporting on the awards.